Malden in May-- 11th and 12th in Malden, MO



Is anyone from the Brethren cooking or judging this comp? I will be cooking there. Look me up if you are there. Team is Squealin' with Delight.
May 11th and 12th in Malden, MO. This is down in the bootheel of Missouri. This will be my opening comp this year.
I clarified the title so we can all watch out for it!

Have a great time and lots of fun!!!!!!

Best of luck, Slat, and go get 'em! We'll be cooking the Tiger Shrine event that weekend in Columbia.
Good luck to everyone that is competing this weekend. I'll let y'all know how I did.
We went last year

and did pretty well. Think "sweet with heat" and tell Dottie that Jeff (the fried chicken guy from Springfield" said hi. Thanks!
We walked three times. We got 10th in pork, 7th in ribs and 3rd in brisket. Not bad for the first comp of the year and only the third one we have ever done.
congrats Slat, Wish I could have been there with you. My guys backed out and I got to clean the pool and mow the yard for the weekend.