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JD McGee

somebody shut me the fark up.
Jun 28, 2007
Duvall, WA
Got my Buckboard Bacon on the BGE as I type. Shooting for an internal temp of 140 degrees at a 200 degree dome temp smoke. The tricky part is...I've got a blown gasket in the front. So...I shut down the daisy wheel...and my "thin blue" is coming from the blown gasket area. Since I have no gasket there...I also ran the temp probe wire there as well. Half an hour into the smoke and he's ("Ichiro") holding rock steady at 200 degrees.

"Thin Blue" from the blow gasket area...


Daisy wheel closed...


Bottom vent open 1/2 inch...


Holding steady at 200 degrees...


Just waitin' for 140...:p

Hey man, I would crack that daisy wheel and get a flow-thru smoke thing going on. It will be much more even that way. You may wind up closing the intake vent to about a nickle wide.
Sorry to hear that you blew a seal.
It's usuallly a bad experience.

But as long as you're able to keep the temp down you'll be fine. Like Thirdeye said, 200 on the dial is a very low temp at the grate.
Good advice folks...gonna set my grate thermo on there right now...past experience tells me the the dome and grate temps even out over a couple of hours...but I'll double check just to be sure.
Close down the intake vent some and give the Egg 15 minutes to ramp back down. By using both vents you can dial in 5° changes if need be. Once you get a good bed of coals that intake vent will barely be open.

Just did...daisy wheel and bottom vent at about 1/8 inch...dome temp 220 and holding...internal temp 104. Dang oven thermo went belly up on me so no clue what the grate is. I think it's time to invest in a Guru! :biggrin: Thanks a note from the post office...your (my) grate lifter is here!
What is the typical difference between grate temp and dome temp for a low and slow cook?

Also, where do you guys run the wires for your remote probes?
Just did...daisy wheel and bottom vent at about 1/8 inch...dome temp 220 and holding...internal temp 104. Dang oven thermo went belly up on me so no clue what the grate is. I think it's time to invest in a Guru! :biggrin: Thanks a not from the post office...your (my) grate lifter is here!

I just checked the spiral notebook....uh, I mean the shipping department and it went out the 13th. :wink: Hope you like it.
What is the typical difference between grate temp and dome temp for a low and slow cook?

Also, where do you guys run the wires for your remote probes?

This is my second low-n-slow on the BGE...first one was a brisket that I did at a dome of 250...after a couple of hours the dome and grate were the same...or pretty darn close. Didn't use wires for that one...thermapen. This one I ran the wire through the blown out gasket area :biggrin:...what the he..!
What is the typical difference between grate temp and dome temp for a low and slow cook?

Also, where do you guys run the wires for your remote probes?

Plan on 30° or so difference at the beginning. 10 or 12 hours later the two will be closer. On an 18 or 20 hour cook they will only be about 10° apart.

Wires....when I have the plate setter in, I lay them across the rim in line with one of the legs for some protection.
This is my second low-n-slow on the BGE...first one was a brisket that I did at a dome of 250...after a couple of hours the dome and grate were the same...or pretty darn close. Didn't use wires for that one...thermapen. This one I ran the wire through the blown out gasket area :biggrin:...what the he..!

Bad info here Ron...sorry! I looked at my thread when I was doing the brisket...I did use a probe...I ran the wire through the seam where the gasket was spliced. That's what I get for relying on my's a 70's thing!:wink:
Ichiro is holding rock steady at 220 degrees with the daisy cracked to 1/8 and the bottom vent about the same. Two hours into the smoke my internal is 125 and I have a whisp of thin blue coming out of the daisy wheel. All is well in BBQ land now. Thanks for the help brothers...I'll post a little pron when I slice it up.