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It's a crime they call them CSR's with all the confusion but the biggest crime is many aren't labeled what cut they're from so people screw them up. Definitely very unfortunate IMO.

Mad yours look great! Good post sir
Yes, they are. The label usually lists the difference. To me there is a visual difference, with the loin cut being a lighter color with little fat, while the shoulder cut is a richer red with marbling. The loin cuts don't work for low and slow, for me, only grilling. They always come out drier, with less meat flavor..

For the loin area cut, I agree you have to watch not to let them go to far or they will dry out. That is why I sear them first then go with indirect heat. If you fear drying them out during the cook, you can also pan them with a little apple juice.

The shoulder cut ones are quicker than a butt, and you can play with different rub's, so they can be a fun cook.

Very True....

BigButzBBQ posted about 6 years ago, that if someone was experimenting with rubs and/or sauces, Country Style Ribs are the perfect choice. You get the meat from the shoulder area, meat from the loin area, and some meat at the bottom of the cut will have the same texture and taste of the meat between the ribs. This gives you a a small amount of meat that simulates a wide variety of different cuts to work with.

This is a great cut to experiment with if you are so inclined to do so.

G'day Mr IamMadMan - how'd they turn out in the end, all ok ?

They looked ace

Completely tender with no effort to chew. Very moist, tender, and flavorful, the sauce was a nice compliment to the natural sweet flavors of the pork. My guests and family have already asked for another gathering with the country style ribs as the main attraction.
Here I posted on this, so of course my wife brought home some cut from the loin and I've forgotten how long they take to cook and I can't find it in my notes. I seem to remember 2 hours or so. Any tips?
Here I posted on this, so of course my wife brought home some cut from the loin and I've forgotten how long they take to cook and I can't find it in my notes. I seem to remember 2 hours or so. Any tips?

They are mostly lighter and leaner meat, and you may have to foil, but to answer your question, yes a couple hours is what these took. Very tender.