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Full Fledged Farker
Aug 3, 2015
Modesto, CA
...or...tri-tip sandwiches out of extra wedding tri-tip.

I was scheduled to cook tri-tip for a big wedding at the end of September. Then in May I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Surgery to remove a mass didn’t help so I needed my bladder out. Bladder removal surgery was finally scheduled for September 6. I’d be in for 4-6 days so it would be about two weeks till the wedding. Won’t work. Doc says no way. So now I’ve got 120# of tri-tip to do something with.

So, this last Saturday we had a “Tri-tip Sandwich Day” for the congregation. Our place is very very tiny so the rules were...

“Come by and pick up your tri-tip sandwich (steak roll, garlic butter, extra thin sliced tri-tip, grilled onions, and your choice of cheese or not). You don’t have to go home but you can’t eat it here. When you get hungry again, come on by and pick up another.” Started at 10am and went till 5pm. We made boatloads of sandwiches.

I already had about 80# of my own personal tri-tip when I bought the 120# for the wedding. We put a good dent into my tri-tip stash but I still have a bunch left. Thinking about doing another “Sandwich Day” this Saturday before the surgery.

My wife and a family of four great friends helped to prep, put together the sandwiches, take the orders, etc. while I tended to the smoking of the meats. We put up a 10’ by 10’ Pop-up in the front yard as the ordering station. Of course there was pit crew food as well including ribeye/jumbo shrimp kabobs, baby back ribs, assorted and various sausages that you get from Costco, and a double smoked, spiral sliced ham. It was a good time for all.

Won’t be allowed to BBQ for about 4-6 weeks after surgery. Glad to get a bunch of BBQ done beforehand. I’ll cook a bunch of meat for my wife to eat while I’m recovering. Gonna be about 3-4 weeks before normal eating (i.e. eating red meat) is allowed for me. Maybe ANOTHER “Sandwich Day” for my first cook post surgery! :grin: :-o
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Prayers that the procedure goes well and quick recovery. Great idea with the sandwiches! Good way to use up meat quick!
Prayers for a quick recovery from us, too. :pray:

The big C is always a scary thing.
Just found out bad news for a Sister-In-Law yesterday.
This gettin old crap is not for sissies.

Glad the BBQ was a success, Hope the follow up is an even bigger success.
What a great and incredibly generous way of using up some extra meat! Those sandwiches sound delicious, if I were closer to Modesto I'd be driving around looking for the pop-up tent so I could sneak an order in!

Hope everything goes well with your surgery!
Good luck with the surgery and the follow up treatments, Mark. I have a similar type cancer, and I am still kicking after 16 months! And good on you for feeding the congregation!
Great way to use the meat sharing it with your friends in your congregation. BBQ is meant sharing with others and I am sure they will be there for you. With that attitude you are well equipped to face the future. Wishing the best for you.
Good to see you have a positive outlook!

Godspeed on the surgery and recovery.

Wish I had one of them sammiches!
Good luck with the surgery, cancer sucks but can be overcome. :)
Definitely lemonade out of lemons...prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. I'm inspired by your attitude and I am guessing your congregation is as well!
Good on ya!! My wife got diagnosed with breast cancer, it was like a kick to the stomach. A year later, she's in remission.

If you decide to cook again, I'd love to come get a sammich.

What a guy..thinking of sharing with a time like this.

Good luck...I am sure you will get plenty of prayers and support!