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Really nice looking cook Jeanie. The post/pics are amazing especially the step by step tutorial on prep and butterflying the fillet.

Thank you Bill! Those butterflying pics were from another time when I made this. They were handier to find than my current pics and pretty much look the same. :grin:

Always great photography and cooks I might want to do. Just a general question for anyone. How do y'all keep your grill from getting a fish smell on the next cook? I've never grilled or smoked fish due to the fear of the odor permeating following cooks would love some advice.

Thanks Smokinhole! I've never had a problem with fish odors. I burn the grate off well after a fish cook though. The only problem I've ran into while cooking fish is keeping it from flaking into the cooker when done.
I use foil, leek leaves, or grates to keep the fish from falling into the fire.
Good luck to you!
Not a big fan of salmon but I think I just changed my mind!

Thanks for the recipe and tutorial jeanie, much appreciated. :)
Yeah yer doing it right- the pic posting, the cooking, everything! Beautiful food and setting there, Jeanie! I need to get off my lazy butt and stuff some salmon rather than just dunking it in Dale's before cooking - which is good and all, but as you're demonstrating here, there's a whole lot of ways to cook salmon out there! This really does look great.
Not a big fan of salmon but I think I just changed my mind!

Thanks for the recipe and tutorial jeanie, much appreciated. :)

Shoot, Norm! With a pond full of fresh fish in your yard, who needs salmon? lol Thanks! :grin:

Yeah yer doing it right- the pic posting, the cooking, everything! Beautiful food and setting there, Jeanie! I need to get off my lazy butt and stuff some salmon rather than just dunking it in Dale's before cooking - which is good and all, but as you're demonstrating here, there's a whole lot of ways to cook salmon out there! This really does look great.
Thanks so much Greg! I'm not sure what Dale's is... is it a dry rub or a brine?
Salmon is pretty versatile. I like it smoked with plain old butter slathered on top too. :grin:
I have a question Cowgirl. I saw on your blog the breakfast fatty you did and me and the Mrs. really like the idea of taters and ham as a stuffing. What was the kitchen gadget you used to make the stuffing roll? Also, did you refrigerate the stuffing mix before putting it in the gadget?
I have a question Cowgirl. I saw on your blog the breakfast fatty you did and me and the Mrs. really like the idea of taters and ham as a stuffing. What was the kitchen gadget you used to make the stuffing roll? Also, did you refrigerate the stuffing mix before putting it in the gadget?

Thanks! The potato filling is my favorite. The gadget is my fatty piston...

I made it out of pvc.
I have another one that was made by a friend in Germany. It's a stainless one.
Here's a pic of it..

I do cook the stuffing, then chill before filling the piston and fatty.

Hope you have good luck with the fatty. Thanks for stopping by my blog too!