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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Batch Image
Oct 19, 2009
Gold Coast, Queensland! (Finally Escaped Melbourne
Name or Nickame
G'Day Bruces':becky:

Never expected to be posting anything this weekend but it's funny how things turn out.

Our clothes dryer stopped working this week. It's been miserable cold and rainy in Melbourne and it was just the wrong time to have this happen. So, I took it apart in the hope that there was a part I could replace but it turned out the main controller board was dead. A quick call to my cousin who repairs these for a living told me I was wasting my time with this particular model.

Anyway, I didn't feel like putting this thing back together so I took out the drum and thought it might be fun lighting a fire in it. I had some scrap wood to burn up anyway, so why not:thumb:

So as I was burning all my scrap wood, it became my impromptu griller for the day:-D



Then I asked my wife, "The Gorgeous One" if we could have some sausages from the store to grill while I continued to clean up the shed etc.

She came back with these!:thumb:

Beautiful lamb CHAWPS!:clap2:

So, I seasoned them simply with Salt, Garlic and Pepper only, and threw them on later on in the evening.

Don't they look just YUMMY!!!!


I took the other chops inside and continued to clean up the shed, play some music and snack on a lamb chop with a sip or two of nice Italian wine!:becky:

It was really nice adding some of my home made hot sauce too. I had a great evening. I'm really glad my clothes dryer died after all!


Thanks for looking!
Looks great Bill! I’m trying to read your homemade hot sauce bottle. Does it say something about “hellfire”? :icon_cool
Looks great Bill! I’m trying to read your homemade hot sauce bottle. Does it say something about “hellfire”? :icon_cool

Yes, I called it "Tamarama Habanero Hellfire Hotsauce" An old pal of mine has a farm called "Tamarama". He "experimented" with a crop of 3000 chili plants. He also has a commercial dehydrator. I received several kilos of dried Habs so I made this hotsauce with it. Think of Tabasco with a bit more oomph to it. Has a base of fire roasted red bell peppers. It's pretty nice.

Well, the cheapo dryers they make for the US market don't have a "cook lamb" setting. I'm thinking we need to get one of those fancy Aussie ones. What brand is that and do they ship overseas? :noidea:

These Aussie ones do have a "Wool" setting but methinky I just lost my warranty on this unit. I might have gone slighly outside the manufacturers intended use :heh::heh::heh: