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Babbling Farker
Apr 16, 2017
Davis, OK
Name or Nickame
Against everything in my raising I grilled some lamb chops last night. And danged if they weren’t pretty darn good. Please don’t tell any Okies. I might be ran out of town.


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I LOVE lamb chops. Those look pert darn tasty! Next thing you know, you'll be grilling up some goat. Also tasty. :p
Never bought or cooked goat but eaten it number of times courtesy of my FIL. He brought a goats head to put on the Weber at many 4th of July picnics.
Yes, please!

Also a big fan of goat... though it needs a long cook to break down all the fun connective tissue and tenderize it up a piece... in my humble experience.

Yep, agree. My past leg o goat cooks took about seven hours or so. But if you like lamb, you'll probably like goat.
Great looking lamb T-bones Kevin! I doubt any Okie will strip you of your stripes over those.
Nice work. Should be more of it IMO. There's a lot more to life than just beef/pork/chicken.

Now, you want to have a word with the people who sold you those chops though.

Lamb loin chops are supposed to have a tail on them:


Our COSTCO cuts them off but the tail is the best bit, so I won't buy their chops and have told them so.

See if you can find them with the tail on.

