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You think his briskets sitting in a warmer at 185F is helping the fat turn into sticky jelly?

Doesn't even need to be 185F. You could hold a brisket at 160F for 24 hours and all the fat would be rendered. The trick is preventing the meat from drying out if kept uncovered in a dry environment or keeping a nice bark if kept in a wet environment.
Aaron Franklin is rockstar barbecue and I have not been to any of his concerts. You think his briskets sitting in a warmer at 185F is helping the fat turn into sticky jelly?

La Barbecue has been one of the best that I've tried in Austin. No line when I went. I just don't have the time to invest in Franklin.
Did the Austin circuit a couple of years ago. La Barbecue is great, Franklin's is better.
i like the franklin vs lewis debate. i think the briskets are really close but maybe i'm giving john the edge because i was there last??? when i was at franklin's none of us were allowed behind the curtain. thought it was strange because most guys say they were allowed. at La BBQ i was with the pit master and cookers for ever just talking like i do with the guys at the Texas Bash. if you have not tried holding a brisket for 8+ hours you don't know what you are missing. cook like normal, set the oven to 170, put the brisket in and come back in 12 hours. :thumb: (don't forget to let it vent)
i like the franklin vs lewis debate. i think the briskets are really close but maybe i'm giving john the edge because i was there last??? when i was at franklin's none of us were allowed behind the curtain. thought it was strange because most guys say they were allowed. at La BBQ i was with the pit master and cookers for ever just talking like i do with the guys at the Texas Bash. if you have not tried holding a brisket for 8+ hours you don't know what you are missing. cook like normal, set the oven to 170, put the brisket in and come back in 12 hours. :thumb: (don't forget to let it vent)

INTERESTING.... I alway rest brisket 2-4 hours before serving but never held in oven at 170... I might have to try that
i like the franklin vs lewis debate. i think the briskets are really close but maybe i'm giving john the edge because i was there last??? when i was at franklin's none of us were allowed behind the curtain. thought it was strange because most guys say they were allowed. at La BBQ i was with the pit master and cookers for ever just talking like i do with the guys at the Texas Bash. if you have not tried holding a brisket for 8+ hours you don't know what you are missing. cook like normal, set the oven to 170, put the brisket in and come back in 12 hours. :thumb: (don't forget to let it vent)

My oven is made in 2015 so it has a convection option and constantly blow air out. I am guessing it is the same as venting. And now you're telling me to have brisket on the table at noon Sunday, I should be starting Saturday at noon and by midnight have it holding in the oven? Hmmmmm...
i like the franklin vs lewis debate. i think the briskets are really close but maybe i'm giving john the edge because i was there last??? when i was at franklin's none of us were allowed behind the curtain. thought it was strange because most guys say they were allowed. at La BBQ i was with the pit master and cookers for ever just talking like i do with the guys at the Texas Bash. if you have not tried holding a brisket for 8+ hours you don't know what you are missing. cook like normal, set the oven to 170, put the brisket in and come back in 12 hours. :thumb: (don't forget to let it vent)

Glad we've paid attention, right! Been doing this for a few years now and never have a problem. Comes out great every time.

Why do you think those guys invest in those high dollar CVAP's???:idea:

If anyone believes they only use S&P...I've got beach front property in North Dakota for sale!
INTERESTING.... I alway rest brisket 2-4 hours before serving but never held in oven at 170... I might have to try that
same here, 2 or so hours but i had to cook around my schedule for an unscheduled cook and it was better than normal.

My oven is made in 2015 so it has a convection option and constantly blow air out. I am guessing it is the same as venting. And now you're telling me to have brisket on the table at noon Sunday, I should be starting Saturday at noon and by midnight have it holding in the oven? Hmmmmm...

by venting i meant to let it set unwrapped for 15-30 minutes before wrapping and throwing in the oven. is starting at noon saturday any worse than starting at midnight and staying up all night? just could start saturday morning. i have held as long as 14 hours iirc. i have also vented for 20 minutes at a bash and sliced. it all works but when i can i will hold it as long as i can but i cook at 300+ so my cooks are in the 6-7 hour range.

i got it...start 1 at noon the day before and 1 at your normal time and report back. i would try this but i'm a lazy farker. :laugh:
May he does just use salt and pepper. Some type of seasoned SALT and some type of lemon PEPPER. See, just salt and pepper. Now you just need to figure out the combination in each.:tongue:
I'm pretty much on autopilot when cooking a brisket; I've got my routine down and always get pretty good results. Resting overnight in the oven? Something new to try! Can't wait to try it!
You could do foil towel cooler in a cooler without a lot of airspace inside and probably get the same effect. Maybe not for 12+ hours but still quite a while. I don't know if any of you have monitored your oven temps before with an external probe but it's not uncommon to have some pretty decent temperature swings. My brand new oven and 10 year old one both do/did.
My oven is made in 2015 so it has a convection option and constantly blow air out. I am guessing it is the same as venting. And now you're telling me to have brisket on the table at noon Sunday, I should be starting Saturday at noon and by midnight have it holding in the oven? Hmmmmm...

Glad we've paid attention, right! Been doing this for a few years now and never have a problem. Comes out great every time.

Why do you think those guys invest in those high dollar CVAP's???:idea:

If anyone believes they only use S&P...I've got beach front property in North Dakota for sale!

My franklin manifest book is on loan but if i remember correct the man who takes over the late shift (2am?) Starts by pulling and wrapping briskets to make room for ribs. Its possible and hilarious to think he started this as a work around for how to find space for ribs.

Ive built my whole process around a long hold. You can look it up if interested. Some time needs to be spent at higher temps to get bark right and fat rendering. By about the stall (franklin would recommend after so they dont lose momentum, takes awhile to wrap that many but its fast with one or two.) Wrap in butcher paper and go low. I can get there in 6 hr easy. Overnight the brisket, i find 200 gets me there by the time i wake up and then drop to 150. Most ovens cant hold this. A cheap turkey roaster works well. Ill hold 150 until lunch between 1-4.
He does but you have pay attention

The Pubah did himself. Don't know about rub but ge mentioned Worcester spritz

Ive heard the same regarding citrus

Maybe they fun us but enough of what he does is out there. Just have to listen. I find his romanticism of old fashion techniques funny because the holding oven is his real trick. The popdaddy spritz is an umami bomb, also containing Italian urethra and fish sauce.

I'm not sure I want Italian urethra.

I'll just leave this right here...

We did a benefit once where I think we had like 16 full packers smoked, vented, wrapped, and put in coolers by about 9 am. Started serving at noon and we were slicing to order. Those first couple of briskets were good. When we sold out around 5 pm, I was still burning my hands when I grabbed the last brisket from the cooler, and that last brisket tasted even better...
We did a benefit once where I think we had like 16 full packers smoked, vented, wrapped, and put in coolers by about 9 am. Started serving at noon and we were slicing to order. Those first couple of briskets were good. When we sold out around 5 pm, I was still burning my hands when I grabbed the last brisket from the cooler, and that last brisket tasted even better...

some Texas q joints used to hold in card board boxes overnight until the health department got involved. if you have a lot of briskets they keep themselves hot.
We did a benefit once where I think we had like 16 full packers smoked, vented, wrapped, and put in coolers by about 9 am. Started serving at noon and we were slicing to order. Those first couple of briskets were good. When we sold out around 5 pm, I was still burning my hands when I grabbed the last brisket from the cooler, and that last brisket tasted even better...

I was thinking of wrapping them and storing them in my Yeti. I think the brisket smell will eventually overpower the crawfish smell.
Glad we've paid attention, right! Been doing this for a few years now and never have a problem. Comes out great every time.

Why do you think those guys invest in those high dollar CVAP's???:idea:

If anyone believes they only use S&P...I've got beach front property in North Dakota for sale!

Beach front you say? Is there access to a boat interested.

Salt and pepper is the baseline. It all starts there. Im sure all the greats riff on it in their own way from there but im not sold the seasoning i what sets it apart. Still i cant finger the citrus. Lemon pepper doesnt holdup through the cook....maybe its juice in that spritz of his.

Its hard for us yankees to get a refrence point on these matters