Koronasmoke Giveaway

I'm stuck @ home & smokin some meat

And thanks to all for your overwhelming generosity with your knowledge and patience answering so many questions, great people here!
I'm stuck @ home and smokin some meat! I am not sure I meet the criteria, but if I do please enter me. Thanks for the generous offer.
I thought the directions were clear/easy.
Quite a few incorrect entry's.

You MUST enter in BOLD letters..... I'm stuck @ home & smokin some meat
In the body of your post. Color doesn't have to be red. Your choice.

If you don't get the verbiage correct, you will not be entered.
Only one correct post per person please. I will be counting.

This is the honor system. Please check to see if you qualify. I don't have any way to check that.

Thanks to LYU370, Blythewood BBQ'er and Ronbrad62 for throwing in more free subscriptions!
Gotta love this place! :clap::clap:
Awesome what you guys are doing, just a thought,
Does everyone know how to do Bold,can you do it on phones?
I don't use a phone. So I don't know how the site looks using an app.
Right above where I'm typing in the reply box. There is that big black capitol B.
Highlight text you want to make bold. One click, done.
Could be a problem. But most if not all incorrect posts. Don't have the app stuff listed at the bottom of the post. Like most that use their phones here have.