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this is last warning.

Stay ON TOPIC. Seriously? Linux conventions? Microsoft? WTF? Digging up dirt, public or private, that has NO BEARING on this thread will not be tolerated. Next post I see like that, the author WILL find the doors locked. You want to piss in someones cereal bowl, take it private, or go do it somewhere else.

The rules are clear. NO AIRING DIRTY LAUNDRY. Cut the crap and stay on topic.
I'm sorry you feel KCBS does not support your interest in BBQ. No organization can be everything to everyone. I believe the majority of KCBS members are involved in comp bbq in some way, either as cooks, judges, reps or organizers.

With that being said I am curious what a 'backyard barbecuer' is looking for from a bbq organization. What services do you think would be beneficial ? What would give a membership to KCBS value to you ?

Why not help promote backyard style contests and offer an inexpensive sanction fee. Not every contest that you sanction has to be a full up four catagory pro event with two reps and CBJ class etc. etc. Why not offer sanctioning for and promote one day backyard grilling events for the backyard cook like NEBS does. This will create a new market for the KCBS, build a rapport with the backyard cook and create an avenue and some contest experience for those backyard cooks who may be interested into moving up to the pro ranks.
Seems like this horse has been well-beaten. I vote you close the thread and we move on.

Why don't we turn it around and post ideas of how KCBS can support the backyard guys better. I thought adding to the bullsheet was a good idea.

I think the seminar type stuff that Sterling did was good, although not in support of the KCBS. But why couldn't we shig it? I am already mounting cameras in his bbq rig. Shigging that seems like small time.

Like the way that Pollock thinks
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I do not disagree that KCBS is competition-centric and while I am in agreement with Steve in that I'd love to hear what anyone's thoughts are on how KCBS can cater more to the needs of the backyard BBQer, I just don't know what that might be that you can't get in other places. My gosh, take a look at the Q-Talk forum here and there's a danged LIFETIME of knowledge and information. But if you have ideas, please send me an email at [email protected] and I'll be glad to discuss them with you.

And to the person (don't recall who it was) who said they voted for change and still don't see it on the board, I will say it is not for a lack of trying sometimes. There are three of the four of us left from last year but I believe we've said all along that it may take an election or two to really make a difference. Folks, we are in need of some new ideas all across the slate of KCBS. Whether you run for the board, support someone who is running with good ideas or just want to share your ideas, just do so! I started up a Facebook page for myself JUST to be present and accessible any time. Contact me. It's not up to twelve board members to think of all the good ideas. That's not happening - no matter who is on the board. We rely on members to make suggestions and come to us saying things like "Hey, the other day, I had this really great idea that I'd like to share with you for KCBS and maybe it can be fleshed out into something awesome". Obviously there are those of you with dissatisfaction. Don't just tell me you aren't happy... tell me why and offer some suggestions. Thanks... off my soapbox now.

Phil will probably shoot me but if I was the KCBS I would beg Phil Rizzardi to become KCBS President. Look at what he has created here. Look at what he has done for BBQ and the work he has done to spread good will throughout the community on behalf of the Brethren. I have no doubt in my mind he could do the same thing with the KCBS. How many members here are dissatisfied I ask? None!!! Phil is the type of visionary that the KCBS sorely needs. :clap:
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Why not help promote backyard style contests and offer an inexpensive sanction fee. Not every contest that you sanction has to be a full up four catagory pro event with two reps and CBJ class etc. etc. Why not offer sanctioning for and promote one day backyard grilling events for the backyard cook like NEBS does. This will create a new market for the KCBS, build a rapport with the backyard cook and create an avenue and some contest experience for those backyard cooks who may be interested into moving up to the pro ranks.

Actually KCBS already provides this service. It's called a competitor series event I believe. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I believe some of the NEBS grilling events actually use KCBS sanctioning either as an extra added category or competitor series event.
Actually KCBS already provides this service. It's called a competitor series event I believe. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I believe some of the NEBS grilling events actually use KCBS sanctioning either as an extra added category or competitor series event.

Maybe I have my head in the sand but I have never heard of the competitor series. I am sure I am not the only one. It doesn't say much if anything about the competitor series on the website either.
This is from the KCBS site:

Competitors Series
For the Organizer who wants to have a unique barbeque experience a Competitor’s Series may be contest you are looking for. With a Competitors Series, the Organizer chooses the types of meats to be cooked, instead of the 4 standard meats used by KCBS. In addition, the Competitors Series contest allows for alternative heats sources. Traditional sanctioning fees and costs apply. The Competitors Series Contest is not eligible for the American Royal or the Jack Daniels World Championship. In addition, teams who participate in a Licensed Contest will not receive KCBS Team of the Year points.

I know that there are a few of these events popping up in AZ. The last one in December had Burger, Wings, Hot Dog and Steak as categories.
Why not help promote backyard style contests and offer an inexpensive sanction fee. Not every contest that you sanction has to be a full up four catagory pro event with two reps and CBJ class etc. etc. Why not offer sanctioning for and promote one day backyard grilling events for the backyard cook like NEBS does. This will create a new market for the KCBS, build a rapport with the backyard cook and create an avenue and some contest experience for those backyard cooks who may be interested into moving up to the pro ranks.

NEBS, I believe, already does this and does it well from my experience. While I served on the board one thing that I strongly believed in was establishing better relationships with regional organizations. I'd hate to see KCBS perceived to be the 800 lb. gorilla coming in to dominate a space they'd previously ignored, and harming a regional organization in the process.

Actually KCBS already provides this service. It's called a competitor series event I believe. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I believe some of the NEBS grilling events actually use KCBS sanctioning either as an extra added category or competitor series event.

Correct. The price structure is the same as the traditional 4 meat contest and I believe that's a hurdle that's difficult to overcome for a separate grilling event, or backyard event. If either of those two types of events are run the same day as a traditional contest the opportunity is there to cut costs be having the other categories turned in before or after the usual 4...but then you run into issues about the quantity of food you ask a judge to consume or need a separate judging pool. Randy and I discussed it, but never got to a point where I felt we had the answers to bring it to the board.
My opinion: The thing that any organization can do to help non-competitive BBQ is to foster communication. If you don't compete, what else is there? You buy stuff, you learn stuff, you cook stuff, and you eat stuff. There needs to be a place where BBQ cooks can learn about what to buy and how to cook, share pictures, and maybe even organize get-togethers and meet-ups for eating the stuff. Fortunately this forum (and a few others) already exist and allow that for free.

I know that the KCBS has talked about getting some form of forum, but I'd be concerned that it's going to be heavily moderated and/or members only. I understand both of those, and why should KCBS allow non-members to participate, except that other locations do. If you want to "compete" as it were, and you want to promote BBQ to every one, not just those who increase your bottom line, you should find ways to foster communication for every one. It goes against the revenue generating NPO mindset that exists, but that's my humble opinion. Of course, even if it is created, it needs to be differentiated enough to attract users away from existing forums and social networking sites.

I feel like I get my 35 bucks worth..I'm KCBS biased but why wouldn't I be?..sactioned contests across the country.we can go to any state and compete and expect to be judged fairly and professionally..go to RD when needed or use the hotel discount,the bullsheet..seems worth it to me..whether you like it or not KCBS is the measuring stick of competitive BBQ across this country..yes there are other bodies but IMO KCBS is king and will continue to be.
If not for the KCBS I wouldn't be traveling around the country blowing $ to cook comps. I've cooked for the last 5 years on a rather large pit that is big n black with a lot of chrome n shiney things (it drips testosterone). It tends to get a LOT of passers by to stop and ask questions.
I'm a people person and always answer any and all questions and enjoy it. Even during turnins.
So the question is does KCBS lean towards competition??? Ya probably. But out of the hundreds and hundreds (if not more) that I've answered questions to or just shot the sh!t with. Have I not sparked an interest in bbq? I think so.

I guess you could call it trickle down.
I hope to always be a member of KCBS. The reasons for joining aren't going to be the same for everyone it's about you and if you believe it's worth it. Oh, I also support FOSS!
If not for the KCBS I wouldn't be traveling around the country blowing $ to cook comps. I've cooked for the last 5 years on a rather large pit that is big n black with a lot of chrome n shiney things (it drips testosterone). It tends to get a LOT of passers by to stop and ask questions.
I'm a people person and always answer any and all questions and enjoy it. Even during turnins.
So the question is does KCBS lean towards competition??? Ya probably. But out of the hundreds and hundreds (if not more) that I've answered questions to or just shot the sh!t with. Have I not sparked an interest in bbq? I think so.

I guess you could call it trickle down.

All while blasting Pull Me Under on your iPod!! :becky::becky:
I'm a little late to the party. I have to admit that I share some of OP's sentiment. I've for a long time considered posting a similar thread, with a slightly different take on the topic.

I'm wondering what is in KCBS for me? What am I missing or failing to see?

I have absolutely no interest in competing or judging. I've taken Scottie's charity cooking class, and it just isn't for me. But, I joined last year primarily for the ability to shop at RD, since that is the only supply of brisket around here. And honestly, I really didn't know what I was joining when I joined. Since joining, I have very much enjoyed shopping at RD. I have enjoyed reading Bull Sheet each month -though I'm mostlylooking at the adds for smokers and dreaming.

BUT, I am a bit shocked at how narrowly focused on competitions KCBS seems to be. I didn't expect that when I joined. I figured I had to be missing something. At the end of the day, I realized that KCBS is an organization for competitors and there is nothing wrong with that. They appear to be serving a purpose.

$35/yr is worth it to me for access to RD -Less expensive than Costco- so, I'll probably continue to be a member. And honestly, I did spend time trying to think whatelse they could be doing to serve me. The best I could come up with was more features in the Bull Sheet, such as real Equipement Reviews, more teaching, or maybe an yearly BBQ Buyers Guide that that lists all manufacturer's of smokers, rubs, injections, etc. Sort of like Audiophile magazine and other publications do.
It takes a simple State Sales Tax certificate to join RD and this way you get flyers and unadvertised special. This cost minimal or not at all and you only have to file a sales tax which is 0 if you don't have any sales quarterly or yearly on-line depending on your state and they send you a reminder. Check out your state requirements. Your name is all that is needed and it saves hassel.