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I just wanted to everyone know that I also sent a well-thought out e-mail to every member of the BoD regarding the 'nepotism' issue before the last BoD meeting. I received four e-mails in return, each thanking me for my opinion and my e-mail, and I was assured that it would be brought before the board.

While I vehemently do not agree with the proposed motion, I have to agree with the idea of WHY it was brought up. IF a large amount of KCBS members did bring this to a BoD member's attention (Troy or ANYONE else) then that BoD member should bring it before the BoD for discussion at least. Isn't that what we are all complaining about? Having the members voices HEARD at BoD meetings.
If that is what actually happened, then I can't be upset about it, as long as it was a good amount of members who had an issue with it. Personally, I have pledged to the NEBS membership (as part of my election and re-election platforms) that I would bring ANY issue back to our BoD so that they would have a better understanding of the general memberships opinion.
I don't think a 'call for resignation' would be appropriate at all if he was honestly and rightfully bringing member opinions to the BoD.

Honestly folks, I wasn't gong to send any e-mails or anything, I was going to just sit on my butt and watch to see what happened. UNTIL I saw Phil's post about it. If almost 500 of us did vote for Phil, then that seems to me to be a large percentage of the KCBS membership, even if it is regional.

The only way to get them to hear us is if we tell them. Write your e-mails and let them know how you feel.

Michelle, bringing it to the boards attention for discussion is one thing, putting a motion on the agenda for a vote is an entirely different thing.
almost 500 of us did vote for Phil, then that seems to me to be a large percentage of the KCBS membership, even if it is regional.

I assure you it wasn't regional... those 500 were national votes. :eusa_clap

I've had the pleasure of meeting Phil, talking with Phil, drinking with Phil, and dining with Phil on several occasions in the last 18 months or so. Love him or leave him... you get what you get. As I'm sitting in the board meeting last Friday, I couldn't help wishing Phil was sitting there, especially instead of a couple ineffective folks.
Guys - Please see Phil's post # 175 as a reminder so this does not get out of control regarding this one particular BOD member and any potential side deals/projects they may have with the KCBS marketing arm.

Sorry, I thought I was stating facts and not hearsay. As this has all been reported in KCBS minutes. My bad if I did something wrong.

Nope Scottie, I dont think MS was typing specifically to you, just in general.

plowboy said:
As I'm sitting in the board meeting last Friday, I couldn't help wishing Phil was sitting there, especially instead of a couple ineffective folks.

In all honesty, with all the nonsense and drama going down, I think i can be more effective, and make more impact here, in The Brethren and with The Brethren, and make more stuff happen than if I were on on the board. We will see what next year brings, but for now, the arm chair quarterback in me is relieved. Keeping in mind that the 'charter' of KCBS and The brethren, are somewhat similar, IMO, more can be done here, without all the politics than within KCBS. We are fulfilling a charter of promoting and teaching BBQ while enjoying the camaraderie formed within the group. we're not fighting and arguing and pointing fingers. Its just counterproductive. Hopefully this will all blow over and they can get back to business and work cohesively.

We get 10-15 new members a day and a high percentage come in and say because of us, they have improved the craft, or with our help, they have decided to break into competing. When I see that, I feel we have accomplished something. I dont think I, or we, would make as big of a difference as quickly to the individual, if i was sitting in a board room. Not to say that we would not make an impact, but seeing this stuff now, makes it somewhat of a relief that I'm NOT there. Phew.. just missed. :)
I know in hind sight, seeing how broken things actually are, it would definately be alot to take on -- and you don't want to hinder what you have going here.
I buy that 100%. The Brethren does make an impact on folks. I know I can say that I've made a lot of friends all over the country. I've got a GREAT sounding board for ideas. And I've enjoyed the times we have gotten to hang out too - besides, my daughter is ready for another dinner date :cool:

I'm selfish, I wouldn't want our forum to suffer while you were focused on KCBS. Having said that - I'll vote for you if you run again next year :cool:

Thanks again for what ya do..... talk about membership benefits.:icon_bigsmil
Does anyone know how an Election of Removal could be initiated if this does not stop?
It is legal by MO. state law I am told
Well any vote of the members has been taken away in a move that doesnt allow the members to vote, only the board members as I understand it. I suggest that we have to get the bylaws amended again to allow the members to have a say!
The BOD has to listen when they get this kind of reaction. The kind of numbers of people speaking out has to count or the Board proves they are are not listening. Keep talking and sending e-mails.