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Full Fledged Farker
May 3, 2009
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Still working on the UDS but did a couple beer butt chickens on the 18" Weber today for folks & in laws. I just found this place a few weeks back and have done so much reading and studying in that time that I thought my brain would start to leak out.:tongue:

Anyway, I learned so much from you guys that I thought I turned out good tastin' chicken before but todays was awesome! It was getting done about a 3/4 of an hour before the rest of the dinner so I just turned off the lower vents to kill the coals but left the top open just a hair and let it sit for the remainder. I was hoping that would have been enough time for it to rest out after the fire cooled and it seemed like it was. Juiciest bird I ever did on the grill.

I ran the temp around 325, indirect over a water pan and basted the skin with EVOO with roasted garlic & herb seasoning mixed in it, about every 1/2 hour. Skin was beautiful golden and nice and crispy. I wish I would have thought about pics but too much gabbing going on, I can't even show you the scraps as my folks rounded those right up for soup stock. They thought it was sinful to throw that away, it was just too good.:grin:

Of course the topic got turned to this forum and my up and coming UDS and lots of offers to get that baby off and running. I guess it was a good sign.

I did the dancin chickens, my folks brought a pasta salad, mom in law brought potato salad and a tuna cassarole, and the wife did deviled eggs and fresh rhubarb crisp, cut from the garden this morning. Everything was great. Just an overall great day with perfectly clear skies , light winds, and 75*.

Thanks again to all who contribute!

Still working on the UDS but did a couple beer butt chickens on the 18" Weber today for folks & in laws. I just found this place a few weeks back and have done so much reading and studying in that time that I thought my brain would start to leak out.:tongue:

Anyway, I learned so much from you guys that I thought I turned out good tastin' chicken before but todays was awesome! It was getting done about a 3/4 of an hour before the rest of the dinner so I just turned off the lower vents to kill the coals but left the top open just a hair and let it sit for the remainder. I was hoping that would have been enough time for it to rest out after the fire cooled and it seemed like it was. Juiciest bird I ever did on the grill.

I ran the temp around 325, indirect over a water pan and basted the skin with EVOO with roasted garlic & herb seasoning mixed in it, about every 1/2 hour. Skin was beautiful golden and nice and crispy. I wish I would have thought about pics but too much gabbing going on, I can't even show you the scraps as my folks rounded those right up for soup stock. They thought it was sinful to throw that away, it was just too good.:grin:

Of course the topic got turned to this forum and my up and coming UDS and lots of offers to get that baby off and running. I guess it was a good sign.

I did the dancin chickens, my folks brought a pasta salad, mom in law brought potato salad and a tuna cassarole, and the wife did deviled eggs and fresh rhubarb crisp, cut from the garden this morning. Everything was great. Just an overall great day with perfectly clear skies , light winds, and 75*.

Thanks again to all who contribute!


Nice work....

I went UDS first.... and want to do a beer butt chicken after I get her dialed in