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Smoke Dawg

Quintessential Chatty Farker

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Jun 22, 2013
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So there is a month long Ribeye Master Throwdown going on. I love Ribeye and just had to join in.

Picked up a nice thick Boneless Ribeye 2-1/2” thick. This meat had to sit out awhile to reach room temp

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I love cooking on the fire pit so started a fire early to enjoy the fire while building up a good bed of coals.

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Made up one of my favorite rubs for a good steak – Porcini mushroom with smoked Habanero, Black Pepper, Salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and Brown Sugar. There was a little crease in the steak so I scooped some fresh minced garlic with EVOO into the crease.

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I text a friend asking what I should do with a nice fire and coals. His response was to drink another Bourbon………………………. So I put some more wood on, poured a Bourbon and grabbed a cigar

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Fast forward. Added some cherry wood and got it going, spread the coals out and put down a grate into the coals with Cherry on all three sides. After a few – The steak went on!

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A little flame is a good thing

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It don’t take long at inferno temperature - Time to flip this cow over

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Here is a lighted shot of side #2

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It is done and ready to pull off

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Pulled and time to add some smoked butter and take a rest

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Removed the grate and there is still plenty of coals to cook just about anything

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After the rest. This looks and smells pretty good

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Cut it open. I like a nice crust and rare in the middle – How’d I do?

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Gotta have a slice

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Yes, I think this will do for what I like

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Of course we gotta have a fork shot!

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I love cooking these on very hot coals and this Porcini mushroom rub adds a meaty flavored crust to an already good meat. One of my favorite steaks.
It did not suck!

Thanks for Lookin
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I'd like a plate of that, please!

I just dug the beginnings of a fire pit, so this is in my near future!


Wife made spaghetti...So...yeah.
Looks good! Ribeye is the only steak I cook and I like it very simple, salt, pepper, garlic powder then cook to medium rare. After cooking, while resting, I put butter and seasoned salt on it.

Oh yea, I like the fire so hot it almost melts the grate.
Thanks for the compliments.

I just use my cell phone for pics - should get a camera but I'm lazy

JBTech, you will enjoy cooking on the fire pit and hanging out around the fire.

Yes Matt this friend is an incredible genius!

JW I also like cooking at inferno temps - Gives the best crust. I like the grill marks also so but the cast iron grate on the coals.