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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 1, 2019
Name or Nickame
Big C
I swear I never get tired of making and eating jalapeno poppers. Figured I'd see what little tweaks/additions/variations you guys have used on yours. Here are some that I've tried before:

1) This is my go-to: Brown and dice some bacon, mix it in with the cream cheese along with some cayenne powder and some honey. Once you wrap the pepper in bacon, hit the outside of it with a little more honey and cayenne. Double the bacon, what's not to love? :biggrin1:

2) Stuff the pepper with some boudin and a piece of shrimp instead of cream cheese

3) Add a little bit of orange marmalade in with the cream cheese...wrap these extra careful because they get leaky on the pit if not.

4) Modified dove popper: along with cream cheese, throw a seasoned piece of dove breast and a couple blackberries into the jalapeno before wrapping in bacon. Made this one up years back when I was dove hunting on a piece of land that also happened to have a big blackberry bush on it. :grin:

5) Use a marinated chipotle pepper instead of a jalapeno. This one is hard to get right because the chipotles are so squishy...but tasty nonetheless if you can pull it off.

6) Stuff the jalapeno with shredded brisket (never personally made this one myself, but have had it a few times)

7) Add a piece of smoked sausage in there (my fave is some good old Elgin hot sausage)

8) Add a piece of marinated venison backstrap (for this I marinate/season it like I would beef fajitas)
You obviously have some very happy people at a party

:biggrin1: I do aim to please. I try to keep the eats, beer, and music flowing when I have a cookout. Blessed enough to still have my grandma around, and she enjoys attending. Aunts and uncles too. I try to do it up at least every couple of months because you never know what can happen and when the last time you'll get to see someone will be.
I don't do these very often although I did get used to having a few jalapenos on the side whenever I eat brisket.

I guess a 50/50 mix of mozarella and ricotta cheese would be pretty good. It feels like I have done this but I can't remember for sure.
Last time I made ABT’s, I used prosciutto instead of bacon and loved it.
I was going to try these soon: “Italian ABT(?)”

Jalapeño cut in half
Ricotta vs cream cheese
Mozzarella vs cheddar
Smoked Italian sausage vs smokie
Wrapped in prosciutto
Smoked with pecan
Dip in marinara sauce
Salivating just reading your post.

Unfortunately acid reflux keeps me from indulging too much with poppers.

Good thing about ABTs is that there are several different varieties.

I've gone 2/3 crab meat and the rest cream cheese and shredded cheddar wrapped in maple bacon. They came out great.
Mexican chorizo and cream cheese 50/50. Heat 'em up a bit more with some fine minced habanero.

Maaaaaan that sounds good! Chorizo and anything really but especially cream cheese. Dang.

SlowmotionQue - the crab idea sounds like a winner. Now that I think about it, I do recall buying some premade ones from a place down near the coast that were stuffed with that kinda cornbready "crab stuffing" that we seem to do so much down here on the Gulf. They were really good.
Yep. Pretty dang solid. Have fun and post pics. I saw a lamb belly the other day. Wanted to smoke/grill/chop and make Aussie Twinkies. Didn’t. Dammit
I go with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, cooked crumbled sausage (breakfast sausage is popular, but I like spicy sausage better), Worcestershire. I will tweak from there with granulated onion and garlic and pepper or chipped green onion. I had an idea (but chickened out) to use habaneros cut in half and cleaned out instead of jalapenos. Maybe this summer?
I can give you an idea for an adult beverage....

A gal in our group had them make her a margarita, but put some cut up Jalapenos in it.
It was delish!

Just a regular Margarita. Cut up some fresh Jalapenos and put them in.
That's it.
Think like a garnish in the glass, just sitting there, tiny pepper rings and seeds.

And your tongue goes POW! What was that? :clap2:

I'm wondering what you could do trying some Cayenne... :wacko: :becky: