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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Jun 23, 2012
Kansas City
I had some leftover ground chuck and short rib to use up so I decided to make a burger for the Brethren throwdown.

I picked a couple jalapeños from our planter garden and roasted them on my Primo grill. Then I diced them up and mixed it into the burger grind.

The patty was about 10oz or so to start. I seasoned the patty with some “North of the Border - Sante Fe seasoning” I received in a trade round and then added some kosher salt on top.

I put the burger on the Primo @ 400*

While the burger was cooking I pan fried some jowl bacon I happened across at the store. This stuff is pretty good!

Once the burger was about done I put on a slice of jalapeño/habanero pepper jack cheese

Toasted a brioche bun and then assembled the burger - still had my deep fryer out on the counter from yesterday so I threw some steak fries in.

It was pretty delicious, lots of flavor and just the right amount of heat :thumb:

Believe it or not I never had it prior to this package :twitch:

Cooks a little different than belly bacon but it’s tasty and a nice change of pace.

Oh yeah! Jowl is so prized and rightfully so especially in the Korean bbq scene here. And bacon at that? :clap2:
It was pretty good, I think next time I might slice some of the jalapenos into rounds and place on top of the burger in addition to dicing and working into the patty. Maybe some sort of jalapeno jam too. :thumb:
Now that is a beautiful creation! And Hog Jowl is sooooo good that's our New Years Day meat every year. Just make sure and don't fry it too long or it can become SUPER TOUGH.
Now that is a beautiful creation! And Hog Jowl is sooooo good that's our New Years Day meat every year. Just make sure and don't fry it too long or it can become SUPER TOUGH.

Yep, I found that out when I pan fried some up the day I bought it - I was surprised how much it shrinks too...higher fat content will do that I suppose.