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is Blowin Smoke!
Jun 4, 2018
In the Matrix
Name or Nickame
So let me explain what i am doing. I am using a Rec Tec WiFi Controller with my Pit Boss 820D. Now if you have a Pit Boss, or a Rec Tec, you will know these things don't go under 180F. That doesn't mean you can't get some clean burning wood smoke below 100F. In fact, you can get that sweet smelling blue smoke. Anybody that knows what i am talking about knows what i mean about "sweet" smoke.

Ok, so lets get down to it. You're going to need to make a charcoal basket. I bought a preforated SS 1/4 pan and drilled the holes larger. You are also going to need to get about 8 charcoal briquettes red hot. You also need some wood chunks. I used Hickory. Now this is the most important part of this. You need to set the Rec Tec in test mode. Once in test mode, scroll through till you reach FAN. In this mode, Only the fan will run continously until you power it down. You should easily beable to hold temps no more then 5-10deg above ambient temp. And you will get clean burning sweet wood smoke the entire time. I only needed 1 hour for my cook. If you want more hours of smoke, figure 1 hour per batch of red hot coals. Each chunk should last 20 minutes. I used 3 small chunks for my one hour session.

That said, here is a 5lb batch of Landjeager's






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Well done Candice.
As long as you can stay below 100° F, you're in the cold zone.
I do a lot of cold smoking.
But the high low temperature range of pellet poopers steered me away from them.
Still, I knew I wanted to use Pellet Fuel for my smoke source.
I went with an Amazen Tray and can get 11 hours of cold smoke from a tray of pellets, all TBS. (Thin Blue Smoke).
I discovered under a friends tutelage about using dust, and I dissolved pellets to make sawdust and burn that in the same tray. The dust gives 6 hours of even milder smoke. And I like that flavor the best for my Slab Bacon and Salmon. Not to mention Almonds and Salt.
So you might want to consider getting a tray and using it with your favorite pellets to cold smoke in your chamber. :wink:

Add In: if you do decide to get an Amazen Tray (not a tube), ordering through Home Depot can get you free shipping. Chaps my butt to pay shipping charges.