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Fireworks is #1 - after I blow my wad on that I consider what's left to buy food
ron do agree it can mean different things to different folks. I dont want to speak for others, but i will. Some entries felt like they were posting things they happened to cook that week. This is fine as it was an open category, maybe an explanation or back story would have helped. I personally like to reward those that i feel planned a cook for the category.

It maybe best to say why one voted for who they did more than why they didnt vote for who they didn't.
I don't think I have any traditional main dishes that I cook for any holiday. I come from a divorced family, and so does my wife, so for some celebrations, there might be some staples that we have associated with the 4 various households we attended while growing up that we gravitate towards when we get the chance to make a meal, but we don't really have any meal traditions in terms of main courses that we fixate on when we are the ones in charge.

Due to the structure of our families, we didn't really have a lot of tradition outside of Thanksgiving and Christmas. One year for 4th of July it was one thing with this group of friends, one year it was another with that group of friends, and rarely did the same thing twice.

So, what do I make for 4th of July? Not sure..probably whatever I please, even if it just looks like a random weekend meal.
ron do agree it can mean different things to different folks. I dont want to speak for others, but i will. Some entries felt like they were posting things they happened to cook that week. This is fine as it was an open category, maybe an explanation or back story would have helped. I personally like to reward those that i feel planned a cook for the category.

It maybe best to say why one voted for who they did more than why they didnt vote for who they didn't.

The key phrase is it felt to you like that. That may not have been the reason that they entered. You're making an assumption.
I view the interpretation as as anything your typical backyard weekend warrior lighter fluid slinging grill it and growl types are comfortable grilling.
Iammadman summed up the why pretty well.

And what the hell is a Block? I know you're Australian but I've never heard that term used.

Blonk mate,Blonk.
basically means I'm as dumb as.:thumb:yep that's me
Our independence out here is pretty much 4 days of back to back parties! More alcohol than food is usually consumed... :shocked::crazy::rockon::dancer::whoo::heh:

If you haven't figured it out, Titch, it means something different to everyone. A lot of it is traditions, both family and geographical. If you ask someone from Wisconsin I'll bet the answer includes bratwurst. Someone from Chicago will probably include steaks and hot dogs, and someone from Lousiana will probably include a crawfish boil or jambalaya.

That's the reason I chose that TD category. It gave the cooks a chance to show off what they do for Independence Day. It was an open category and there were no special rules except to cook what you normally would on that day. I was amazed at how many people chose to questions what others would cook in their own back yard. I didn't ask them to cook what someone else would cook. I asked them to show us what they would cook, and everyone did that.

Bit like Matt suggested earlier, bit like Australia day here.most people lean towards Lamb, I blame the advertising buy the Lamb board for that.
Snags and meatball/Rissoles are probably closer to the truth in my Circle.

Thanks everyone for your input.
I suggest we all go to Jeanie's for a whole pig
If you haven't figured it out, Titch, it means something different to everyone. A lot of it is traditions, both family and geographical. If you ask someone from Wisconsin I'll bet the answer includes bratwurst. Someone from Chicago will probably include steaks and hot dogs, and someone from Lousiana will probably include a crawfish boil or jambalaya.

Ron said it better than I could. Its different for everyone. We usually go to my wife's aunt and uncle's house and they ask me to grill up whatever meat they have. It usually involves burgers, chicken and hot dogs. If we stay home, I'll usually smoke some ribs, drink some Budweiser and sit at the end of the driveway to watch our town's fireworks once the sun goes down. The most fun part, though, is hanging out with family and friends around some good food - whatever that food happens to be.
I try and spend that day and part of the week at my brother's lake you in Northern Minnesota. We have done ribs, steaks, burgers or what ever we can find. One of the sun thing that the residents on the lake do is a parade of boats around the lake. Like everyone has said it I a time to get together with family and friends.
Our independence out here is pretty much 4 days of back to back parties! More alcohol than food is usually consumed... :shocked::crazy::rockon::dancer::whoo::heh:


Note to self...

Visit Phrasty for Jamaican Independence Day :thumb:
Another factor is that it's one of the few days in the summer that a lot of people are off work on a holiday where they can be outdoors and eat. For most people, to spend a day cooking outdoors, this is it.