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Take a breath!
Sep 20, 2012
Elk Grove, CA
Meaning, I nailed it. This was my best butt yet! :)

I went to the new Smart and Final by my house yesterday to check it out. Hoping to find a brisket but for whatever reason, they never stock it in the Sacramento area stores. Anyhow I saw they had some decent looking butts, so I bought a nearly 8lb bone-in and decided to cook it today. I went a slightly different direction today since I always inject, but today I didn't. I also normally wrap at 165 or so, but today I didn't.

So what I ended up with was pretty dang tasty. I cooked it in my Ole Hickory CTO on Royal Oak lump. I only had about 15 minutes of propane left in the bottle but it was enough to get the smoker up to 240 degrees before it ran out. I didn't feel like changing the bottle and I normally run on 100% charcoal/wood with my comp switch anyhow. Cooking temp was 250 degrees and for smoking wood I used mostly cherry and oak with a couple small pieces of hickory and apple later in the cook. I burned through about 12 pounds of charcoal - the CTO on 100% charcoal/wood is a bit thirsty for fuel. Not very economical with a small load, but I have not used the CTO in a while so whatever.

I seasoned with SM Sweet Seduction and Season All - mixed about 2:1. I sprinkled some dried chopped onion on top, just cause I had a big bottle sitting on the counter and figured why not. Tossed it on the smoker at 8 AM, pulled off at 7 PM. Temp was about 200 degrees.

I placed it into a pan when it was around 160 degrees to catch the juices, plus I added some apple juice and rub into the pan. When I pulled it with my pork pulling tool, I added in a little ACV, more rub and all of the juices from the pan. Hit the drill, 10 seconds later I have awesomeness. I did remove some of the fat before I dropped it into the stock pot.








I ate some and placed the rest into Foodsaver bags for a rainy (or drought) day.
Love the looks of your bark!
Shoot, the whole thing looks fantastic. :grin:
Thanks guys. I've been trying to exercise more and it seems like people are taking notice. Oh wait.

As for the CTO, mine is a 2007 Solid Rack model that I picked up used last year. It's set up to run on LPG but I installed a "competition switch" or "burner disable" switch so that once I get it fired up, I can run it on 100% charcoal/wood. The draft fan still works, so it will stoke the firebox just like a Stoker would. My big Southern Pride is set up the same way. The seller had taken very good care of this CTO. Since buying it, all I've done is clean up the exterior with some Barkeepers Friend, repaint the legs and install the larger competition charcoal basket which I modified to operate on the original slide rail like the original basket. I also installed the updated handles with the little black balls on them, since they don't get hot like the original ones do.

Here's a LINK to my original forum post when I bought it. I intended to mount it onto my Southern Pride trailer but didn't and instead keep using it on my patio.

It runs very consistently with very little swing. The temp from the top rack to the bottom is nearly the same - very even cooking throughout the chamber with very good capacity. It's well made and Ole Hickory's support is awesome. Southern Pride on the other hand isn't nearly as good at support as Ole Hickory.
I tested something - placed in a Foodsaver bag and then reheated it the next day with my Sous Vide cooker for 30 minutes at 170 degrees. Came out great - good to know I can precook and reheat without much if any loss of quality! :)