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My thoughts if it was a success there would have been pics, ergo no pics .... Didn't happen. Lots of hype but no liftoff.
Hmmm.... possibly: Crashed and burned- he changed his name and moved away? Hey, not all endings are happy ones.

I was pulling for him too- but sometimes your horse does not win. I know this- I pull this off... I'm strutting - and gotz pictures for the doubters :grin:
Hopefully this thread didn't make him leave the forum. (He hasn't posted since we started asking how things turned out, which was 9 days ago)

OP, don't sweat it if it didn't turn out like you planned. To be honest, asking a friend to smoke brisket for 200 people is a pretty tall order that probably shouldn't of been asked in the first place. Heck, smoking anything for 200 people is a major production.

Dang I feel like an idiot. I actually DID move away but did not change my name. I have not been on here at all because for six months I didn't do anything except work my two jobs and get my house ready to move. Not kidding, from when I got up in the morning until at least midnight I didn't do anything. I happened to get on the website today and someone had sent me a pm and I didn't even know it. I live about 20 minutes from Yoder KS now so I will have to get over to see the factory. OK so about the cook.... It went pretty good for my first stick burn. It was a roller coaster ride though. At 5:00 AM I was panicking thinking that my 10 briskets were not going to get done. AT 10:00 AM I was panicking thinking that they were going to be done by noon. At 3:00 PM I was panicking again thinking they wouldn't be done by dinner time. I pulled my first one off at 10:00 AM and the last one probably wasn't quite done when I pulled it at 5:00 PM. Most of them I separated after cooking and cooked the points whole. I couldn't believe the first brisket held for 8 hours and was still hot when I sliced it. Two of them were slightly under cooked but I was probably the only one who knew. Overall it was a good success and everybody raved. I will say that that is the hardest I have worked in a while-holy moly. Not sure I want to cook on that scale again. The Lang sucked-I have to say it. I don't know if I did something wrong but man did it have some crazy temperature variations. The bottom rack was not hot at all except for the very ends. I really wanted to try sticks but now I think I will stick with my uds and charcoal. I didn't think the taste was any better or worse than my normal KB cooks with cherry chunks. I really appreciate the feedback and support you guys gave. Sorry for the disappearing act but it was pretty funny to read your speculations about what happened to me. the one time I cooked since was two briskets for some buddies and they both fell into the fire in my uds. Oh well, that was over a month ago and we just had brisket Chile tonight. No charcoal taste at all! It's good to be back in the saddle.
Glad to hear you're still alive and the cook went well. We love to speculate.:becky:
I forgot to take pictures because I was freaking out the whole day. LOL here is the one I did manage to take.


  • brisket cook.jpg
    brisket cook.jpg
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That table looks lovely lol

Glad you made it work. Don't discount the Lang on one cook. Its a long learning curve and once you get it you've got it. If you know what I mean. Sort of like the drum.
My RF stick burner will swing from 250-325, but it mostly settles around 275.

I learned to not really worry too much about the temp swings when I cooked really hung over. I fell asleep and the fire went completely out a few times. By the time I pulled out of the hang over and finished the cook everything was great.
Yeah I hear ya on the Lang. I was probably a little harsh, especially considering my friend was kind enough to loan it out. I know he loves it. My main beef-pun intended-was the variance in the temps inside the cooker, not the fire itself. I had a little trouble maintaining temps but once I got the hang of I was able to hold it pretty steady. the problem was that only about half the cooker was even hot to cook anything.