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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 14, 2016
Barrington NH
Followed this thread,paid most attention to last page.

used the #1,,more salt as recommended,brown sugar.

powdered smoke.

sliced of a couple slices and fried.

not as much smoke taste as i anticipated and more salty than i want.

so,i will have to rinse it i guess,,then air dry in fridge overnight for "pellicle" to form ?

can i rub it with anything at that point ??

I think i may lose the flavor of the smoke powder doing that so i plan on,,,,
smoking it a couple hours and finishing to IT of 140# ?

Today is day 11 in the cure,,due to wx here in the north east (snow) i may have to wait a couple or more days before smoking/cooking.,is that ok ?

i have access to maple sap,was thinking after slicing putting some of that on before packaging for the freezer,,thoughts ??

the meat is about 2in thick and 3lbs.

heres a pic at day 11.


Tnx for any suggestions.
I'll be following this one...have never done any curing or anything before...certainly want to.
Well it actually tasted pretty good and if you like salt it would be real nice,,,but i dont like salt that much.
tasted like canadian bacon.