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1-2 is good for the core of your team. I'm such a control freak, I could **probably*** do it all my own if I HAD to. But my partner and I share in the duties and really work well together, so it's 2 for us. Plus splitting the duties and having a really good time line help make each comp pretty stress-free...'til turn-ins :becky:. We usually have my wife and daughter doing boxes which helps out and now we have a DB this year. He brings the RV which has us totally spoiled, hangs out, keeps everything clean and we're good to go.
We've bounced around from 2 to 4 and 3 seems to be the sweet spot for us. Not everybody can do everything, but it helps to be able to share the workload for the tasks that can be shared.
I've competed by myself for the last 3 years ... it's HARD work! My problem has been finding team members who were as committed to competition as I am. No one wants to show up practice sessions, help clean gear, make rubs, pack the trailer, set up and tear down. They only want to get there right before the meat goes on the smokers, set up their cots so they can get a good nights sleep, and then freshen up before running up on stage when we get a call. <sigh>

Ideally, I would love to have a 2nd person helping with meat prep, temperature control and putting boxes together. I have friend who seems to be ready to jump in with both feet this year so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My daughter has been my taster and runner for 3 years and will continue to fill that role. If all works out well I think that will be a winning combination for me.
Myself, my wife and our son. For the most part I do all the meats and the rubs. She does the sauce, the boxes, any side categories if we so choose, camp bling and site cleanliness. My son helps with load in/out, box runner and dishes. Any more than the three of us and it becomes a little less easier to manage.
2 1/2, usually the wife and I, sometimes a friend of ours will come by and be a taster.
It is nice when the contests are close and some friends of ours come by near the end of turn-ins....really makes cleanup and loading a breeze.
I do all buying, prep, packing, cooking, etc... the wife/buddy do the boxes.....the wife the final box clean-up/inspection after I make a mess.
Just me and my wife for our team. I do all the cooking, rubs, sauces, most of the set up, and she does the boxes, and clean up and helps with the tear down and packing. It seems to work is our 25th!:clap2:
There is me, my wife, and our dog. I do all the pit tending and cooking, slicing, saucing, boxing, and running. My wife builds the boxes and keeps me from drinking too much beer, which helps keep me on schedule. I can't count on my dog's opinion too much, because she loves everything I cook...but she is good company.

One. I have to deal with needy people all day at work, I like being able to get away from that at a contest.

We typically have 2 to 4. We all are kind of we don't hold back with opinions with majority ruling. If it's a tie, we error to the man who has the most skin in the game. With 4 you always have somebody up or somebody to verify that Rub really did break his neck falling off of a golf cart or that Unknown is having a hell of good time (always) and somebody to try and pay attention to what is going on.

Chad brings the good times and expertise
Jared brings the political debates & presentation (tries not to act Republican/conspiracy theorist)
I try to back up Chad and Jared and get the chicken and ribs rolling in the morning prep session.
Joel tries not piss all of us off and is becoming our Pork expert.

Other members - it probably is best not to mention what they do at competitions...insert Team Unknown party here.

We've one with 2, 3, & 4 people.
Two people on ours, at least until one of us stabs the other.
I'm still waiting for our crew of roadies to show up.

I make rubs and sauces, do pre-packing and inventory, meat prep on site, build the boxes, and run them. VQ is in charge of the heavy lifting, cookers, slicing the meat and drinking shots. Everything else we both have our hands on, and any decision or procedural change is discussed exhaustively.
For Memphis In May BBQfest we have a 14 Man team. But then again our setup (and the event) is drastically bigger than most. This year it's 34x70 with a double decker trailer and we expect to have 500-750 come through our tent in a given night. :)
I'm a one man team, unless I'm at a comp where I know some folks that help me out doing some running.

Oh wow! You guys have a huge setup over at MIM next to us. So you handle the pit and they party and sell trailers then?

Thank God we're so close to turn-in :becky:
Thanks for the feedback. We've had 5 official members but really two of us do the majority of work (food prep, rubs, marinate, pit control, etc.) with third jack of all trades, 2 others for conversation, Sherpa and beer runs. Nobody like to prep the garnish for the turn in box but we recognize the importance of is and will be practicing over and over until we've mastered it.
I can always count on me and my 13 year old being there (it gets him out of school on Friday). Then we will usually have 1 or 2 others. I would never have more than 3 people total who are 'cooking'. The times we have had 5 have been very stressful. 'Too many chiefs and not enough Indians' is the phrase that comes to mind.

It's ok to have more as long as they know they are just entertainment and have to stay out of the kitchen. Their real contribution is keeping the other teams up all night. :p