Hot smoke salmon on a sheet of expanded metal?


Knows what a fatty is.
Nov 29, 2012
I'm going to smoke a few pieces of salmon and was wondering if anyone had ever used a sheet of expanded (steel) metal as a tray? I was thinking it might be easier to get the salmon off the heat once it was done. I usually just use the grill grates in my UDS but sometimes the skin sticks to the grate.
Try putting a little oil down 1st I always do mine on frogmats on the Egg Sometimes the salmon skin sticks Sometimes it does not
Spray the skin with oil or Pam, then wipe the rack with an oiled paper towel and you won't have any issues. I never turn my smoked (or grilled) salmon, but if you want to eliminate any transfer of grate residue, use a stainless rack like this.