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Would you eat horse meat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 154 60.4%
  • No

    Votes: 101 39.6%

  • Total voters
Sissy voted "NEIGH". She overheard me and my wife discussing this topic, and it made her unhappy. I believe she was saying something to the effect of "Don't even think about it!"
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I voted "NO" and here's why:

I personally feel that we, as human beings, need to separate our classifications of "PETS" and "FOOD". For instance, lets say I've got a 5 acre pasture in the backyard with a couple of horses that my wife and kids ADORE. Then, my next door neighbor says to me "You think we could get one of those on my Lang 84?"

Joking or not, it just doesn't mix well in a society that cares for these animals as pets.

Yes, I know people have pet pigs.........and that's wrong too.

I'm just saying we need to separate the animals we "hug and love on" from those that we slice their throats and feed our families with.

What in the world is wrong with having a pig as a pet? My kids are deathly allergic to animals with fur and dander. Our pig has coarse hair and dandruff. :roll: We don't feed him bacon or sausage or ribs, but we sure do enjoy them ourselves! I vote yes. I was told by a buddy of mine as we were enjoying a nice elk steak that the elk tasted just like horse. I'd hit it!
I've ate just about everything.
Maybe you shouldn't read this around lunch time...

For all I know some of the strange meats I've had in Mexico. Canal Zone, or parts of Europe
may have been Pegasus himself.
(as a young drunk I enjoyed 'Mexican Kabob' with Corona, then I later learned it was dog.
I've eaten enough Oriental food that some of it may have really been Moo Goo Ga Kitty...
Don't know about that one for sure, but one of the places I ate in the 70s was later busted with cats in the freezer.) 'Don't ask/Don't tell' could refer to some of the things we have unwittingly eaten...

Heck, Didn't you ever wonder what the 'Mystery Meat' was in high school?

(My Dad used to say that I'd eat anything that didn't eat me first...He was close to right)
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When those restaurants get busted with those "specialty meats" they are not serving it as c;aiming it is something else. They have it there for their own consumption. There was a place I used to got to a lot. They were busted a few times with bear claws. They were eating them not serving them, well. I did taste bear claw soup once. :tape2:
For me it's the whole "pet vs food" thing. Normally I have *no* problem with that distinction, and I'm very well aware of where our food comes from. However with horses, dogs, and cats I just can't get the mental separation needed to try any of them.
I would NEVER eat my pets, but the neighbor's plump little beagle looks like it would fit nicely into my BSKD. Wrapped in bacon.. With an apple bourbon glaze... And a horse doesn't look to be that much different of a critter than a cow...
I did some Googling...aren't (m)any horse butchers around anymore in Utrecht...we had quite alot.
I hope this shop still exists,I have to make a call tomorrow...the old man passed away if I'm correct.
I'd love to cook some more horse parts...only thing I have found is horse beefsteak and horse tournedos in the wholesale store.



I voted yes.
I tried horse this summer while in southern Italy on vacation. It was surprising delicious, very tender and not gamy. I bought some thin steaks and it was pan fried with olive oil w/ some lemon. Add some salt... awesome. My daughters saw me eating it and knew what it was when I bought it. They ended up eating it it 3 times that trip. Now the house joke is when we see a horse, we say: Doesn't it look delicious?
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Had Horse meat last Xmas while in Switzerland during an all you could eat meat fondue.

It was not bad although we had to fry it on the fondue grill and it was not seasoned except for salt and pepper. It seemed chewier then beef.

We only had what was brought to us as we had tiger pawns that we could eat all we wanted and had a ton of those to fill us up.
I grew up riding horses and my mother is a horse trainer to this day. I don't think I could. It ranks right up there with dog and cat in my book. If I was starving and had to live of course my answer would be different. Until then cows, pigs, and fish are my choice foods.
I'd have no problem eating it, and I grew up riding and my mom raised horses for a while. It is an animal, and not much different than butchering a "pet" cow, pig, or lamb if you grew up on a farm. Cats and dogs? Sure, if they were prepped right. It is all a matter of perception, but not much real difference in the animals. My recollection is that there were American Indian tribes that fancied horse meat more than beef.