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Fatback Joe

Babbling Farker
Jan 7, 2008
Memphis, TN
With the current Spam throwdown going on, I was trying to come up with something creative to do with the product. I couldn't come with anything really so I figured I would go a different route and just make my own "spam".

Looking online, the ingredients are basically, pork shoulder, ham, salt, sugar, sodium nitrite, and potato starch binder. I wasn't going to mess with the starch, but figured I could do the rest easily enough.

I found a 24 pound raw ham. I had plans for most of the major muscles, but figured I would have enough trim for this project. Sure wasn't going to make 20+ pounds of spam. :shocked:

Raw ham

Big muscles separated.......I could use some practice on this front.

Gave the scrap pieces a run through the grinder. Keep it coarse for some texture.

Had a chunk of shoulder that was just thawed enough to cut through, pulled of the money muscle to make coppa.

Ran the rest through the grinder, gave this one a fine grind to help bind the larger ham pieces.

I mixed the meat with the spices. I went with 2% sea salt, 1% sugar, and .25% Cure #1. Didn't bother with a pic as none of it added any color. I thawed some pork stock left from a head cheese project to serve as the binder.

I mixed some of the stock and meat mixture together and put into the mold. I only went part way up so I could add a chunk of ham down the center.

Filled it up the rest of the way.

Put the lid on, put that in a water bath and then into the smoker. I started to just use the oven, then remembered one of the main throw down rules. That is the ham bone getting some smoke below it.

Ran at 250-275 for around 90 minutes. IT of the pork was 150s. Brought it in an took the lid off.

Put the terrine plate on it and weighted it down with a couple of cans.

Let that chill in the fridge overnight and had this to welcome me this morning.

Dumped it onto the cutting board. Yeah......pretty spammy looking.

Cut in half to check things our first, then cut a slice. The meat inlay could have been packed tighter, but other than that, it held together really well. Heavy and dense.

Put a piece in the skillet to brown up a bit and on to a biscuit.

I didn't take a pic, but put a piece of cheese on it and ate. Really, it just tasted like a ham and cheese biscuit.

I don't know how much salt the put in the actual Spam, but it has to be way more than 2%. This was not salty at all like the stuff from a can. I will probably do this again, but with much more seasoning. I can see a lot of potential there. Anyhow, it was a fun little project.
looks great !!!!

Larry from The Wolf Pit posted a YouTube Video on making homemade spam awhile back here on the Brethren Q-Talk.
He used a small amount of salt as well.



Looks great Joe! As soon as time allows I wanna do the homemade spam.
No chicken lips? I was sure SPAM contained chicken lips. lol
Looks delicious Joe! I like the idea of low salt too. Well done Sir!
I showed this to my wife. She said "why would anyone want to make their own spam....". I'm sorry, she didn't mean nothing by it.
I wouldn't mind it a little less salty. One could dice jalapeños, maybe some cheddar chunks into it. The possibilities are endless.
The possibilities are endless.

I really had to struggle to not doctor things up. You are right, the possibilities are endless, but I was shooting for a close replica of the canned stuff. Next time it is going to be something with a little more zing.