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somebody shut me the fark up.
Nov 29, 2012
Name or Nickame
It's been a rough couple of days and nights here. Something's going around the schools and churches. The munchkin's fighting a nasty bug that's trying to migrate to the adults.

I awoke feeling significantly better than yesterday, and secured permission to fire up the offset for a rack of spare ribs.

I trimmed the bones down to St. Louis cut, and our Texas-sized John Henry products (Pecan & Apple Chipotle) heard the call. I hit the rack hard on the halfsies, so we've got some choices for tonight.



Then, with a few other rubs I have about, I decided to experiment with some of the rib tips and trimmings.


It's beautiful and in the high 70s here today :shock:, but I don't think we'll make it past the sofa to play outside. :sad:


Thankful for favorite and faithful stuffed puppies, new Minnie Mouse gloves, Thomas blankets, and slow/quiet Saturdays.

More to follow.
Time for a quick wrap with some apple cider.


I've been enjoying this new arrival at the ranch:


Picked up the larger Kindling Cracker from their website and a 4 lb hammer (on sale) from Harbor Freight. Big improvement from my hatchet and a fair piece more work. - Yeah, I'd recommend this to just about anyone looking for an easier and safer way to cut down firewood into splits for an offset.
That picture of the little one is going to top any further pics of those ribs, she looks so peaceful, sure hope she feels better soon. You just can't beat a lazy day with the family and I wouldn't try.
Glad y'all are on the road to recovery.Been some yucky crud lurking around here this week too.Your cook looks fantabulous!Godspeed to you and munchkin.
Boss Lady whipped up a batch of doctored baked beans and some sautéed bok choy w/ garlic.


Off the phone with the TriCare triage nurse... fingers crossed we can keep the munchkin's fever down so we don't make any late-night trips to the ER.
The ribs were sublime. Not quite fall-off-the-bone, but a slight tug. No sauce needed.

Munchkin's on the mend, too.

...sure hope she feels better soon. You just can't beat a lazy day with the family and I wouldn't try.

Glad y'all are on the road to recovery.

Appreciate the kind words. Finally got her fever down to 99.7 (at last check, just now). She has significantly more spunk, and she's back "into everything." I'll take this as a good sign. :shocked: :wacko:

Y'all have a good evening.