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Knows what a fatty is.
Apr 22, 2012
waupaca, WI
A friend of mine who has eaten a lot of my Que gave me this piece of meat to smoke. It was given to him by someone a few weeks ago and he knows nothing about meat. I know alot about the simple cuts but not large like this. I know it is Beef. I should have written what the sticker said(I think it says "D#1 CHOICE STRIP LIDNS". It was bought at a kitchen warehouse. When I get home I will write the tag down like I should have in the first place and post it

Is it a Entire Rib Roast? Is it Rib bones 1-12? What kinds of cuts would that include?

Thanks for your help!


  • 2012-10-03_19.10.24.jpg
    46.5 KB · Views: 286
Yeah , that's a whole new york strip. I'm not sure how I would cook it , if it was given to me and I had to cook it , I would probably treat it like a prime rib.
It's better to not try to cook things that you're uncertain of. I get off of work in Madison around 4 and will swing by afterwards to pick it up and dispose of it for you :wink:
Aw don't wanna mess with that thing. It'd be a real PIA.
Real bummer when this stuff happens.

Just pack it in dry ice and send it to me. I'll see what I can do with it. :roll:
It's better to not try to cook things that you're uncertain of. I get off of work in Madison around 4 and will swing by afterwards to pick it up and dispose of it for you :wink:

I think/hope I can handle it. It is 13 lbs. I would really like to smoke it. After researching it, I think I can do it like a prime rib. Several people are going to say cut it up into steaks. What fun is that?
I would agree with the above. I prefer the whole New York smoked rather than cut into steaks. Then if your family likes it more done they can have an outside piece, moving on inside to the rarer portions.
Whjy not? Careful with the thin side though, and I personally wouldn't cook it higher than 130 IT as it will climb a few degrees while resting.

Agreed. SMOKE that sucker!

The only thing I think I'd want to know the cut is to determine how lean or marbled the fat is, but even then, I'd probably still do it the same.

A chuck roll, for instance, has a lot of connective tissue and fat throughout so I'd probably do a lower and longer cook to render that out. If it IS a whole strip or rib roast, then it's going to be leaner and I'd do a higher, faster cook because there'd be less benefit to a L&S cook. I'm with you, though....if it is a whole strip, cook it like a prime rib roast. Slice into it AFTER cooking for unbelievable yumminess!!!

Just make up a nice paste with fresh herbs (I use thyme, rosemary, basil, coriander seeds, black pepper, etc), TONS of fresh garlic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, rub that sucker down and smoke it at 300-325 until the IT hits 115, then crank the heat up to reverse sear it to IT of 130-135, rest and SLICE that sucker!

Man....I'm hungry already just thinking about it! :mrgreen:
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That is a Strip Loin. The dimensions of the fatty lip on the lower side in the pic will determine the actual spec of the strip loin, for example, 2"X3" or 1X1. Cook it like Wampus said. Don't forget the course black pepper.
here's another thought, do a reverse sear then indirect grill and leave it whole or cut into 2 or 3 roasts.
Cook it like a boneless prime rib roast. DO NOT cook it like a brisket lol. If one side is thinner than the other, it might work well to cut it in half or thirds.

I wouldn't cook it past 125 personally. A nice slow smoke till internal hits 100-105, then a quick reverse sear. Put it in the cooker straight out of the fridge for more time in the smoke.