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I agree Steph. I feel very fortunate to have been in the contest last year. I wanted nothing better to be able to go back this year, if not to make up for a crappy showing, but to support the event. (We decided to not make 5 drives of over 2000 miles this year only because of the price of gas.) I have been all over the US and I must say that this contest is unique. In my opinion, the crowds are worth going back for. They appreciate the teams being out there and they obviously enjoy eating BBQ. Which makes it magical.

I'll miss going back this year and I hope to see some of my new friends in Lake Placid. I'll also miss swimming in the river, as that was a very unique experience as well. But I understand the liability fear. I guess the next thing to go would be them taking away the "Camp Harpoon" and not allow the teams to camp out in the field... Another unique feature of this fun contest.


I understand.. you will be missed greatly.. your a class act :icon_blush:
I've been kind of keeping my mouth shut on this one, but I decided to spew my two cents... here goes...

At first I was a little perturbed about the entry fee going up, then I noticed that they also upped the prize money and are giving out more trophies too. That is a huge plus. It seems, when you do the math, that almost all the entry fees go back towards prize money, and I honestly don't think that the prize money is "low". The BBQ GC gets 1600, with Reserve getting 800, plus the chances of placing while doing that is pretty good... a first place finish ($400) in any BBQ category will pay you back more than your entry fee. Plus, I know for a fact that these amounts have gone up. In '05 we took first place ribs and took home 100. Now they give that out for third place.
All of this is good for the event.

IF you can vend, DO IT! You will sell stuff, even if it is just your leftovers, and then you are making money on what you would have just put in the freezer, or given away.

If you don't think any of that is worth it to you or your team, then don't play in that beautiful Vermont sandbox. I, for one, will go until they don't let me anymore.

On another note, I do have to kinda agree with Sled a little bit though... what if you don't place well one time, after placing in their top ten for five years in a row? I would think that they would take that into their considerations. Knowing Harpoon, and the people that run it, I have a pretty good idea they would address something like that. They are one of the most 'cooker-friendly' contests that exists. But, for now, we have NO IDEA what they are going to do, so we'll have to wait and see. It's their show.

After saying all of this... I am still counting the days... 112 to be exact~!

It appears to me that the growth of BBQ in New England is on the downside with all the contest cancellations we are seeing this year. All of Vito's contests have been cancelled or are not going to be events this year(including Rubbin and Racing, Peters Pond and Bikes, Bands & BBQ by the Bay). Westport is iffy, according to Tom Christine it may just be a BBQ show. Also, New Hampshire is questionable if they don't get enough teams. I guess time will tell.

Not to ruffle any feathers, but I don't see it that way.
Before Vito organized a SLEW of contests, which was basically only last year, by the way, there was really ONLY Peter's Pond, NH, and Lowell, along with the Snowshoe which were EVERY YEAR. Someone correct me if I am wrong, I can take it.
BBQ in New England (and I am including New York, because I always do) has grown, and now there are awesome, recurring contests like Hudson Valley, Oinktoberfest, and Lake Placid, which did not exist before and are now going strong with no end in sight. More and more 'regular people' are aware of REAL BBQ, and you can see that by the number of BBQ restaurants that have opened up in the past few years.
Sometimes, sh*t just happens, ask the Grillin' On The Bay guys, and there isn't a whole lot that anyone can do about it.

It seems to me that everyone wants more contests, but it's hard to find someone who wants to step up and organize a contest; most would rather cook instead. I completely understand this... I am a cook from the word GO.

BUT, if there aren't organizers in New England, there aren't contests in New England.... period. So... then... we travel (like New England teams always have in the past).... and then we can bitch about gas costs. :roll:

Kudos to all the organizers out there that take the time and energy to put contests on! Just wanted to shout that out.

Thanks for listening!

I haven't heard anything that said that PP was not happening, either.
I had a blast as a go-fer last year - beautiful area, great people, and free beer!

But the no swimming rule ... :cry:
I think that several of the long running popular contests are going this route. I know that the Dillard GA contest is now pretty much invitation only as is the Winchester Tn event. Both have a long history of being a great cooker friendly event and can basically have whoever they want. Dillard invites back everyone from last year to the next year's event and not many folks dont return each year.
I think that several of the long running popular contests are going this route. I know that the Dillard GA contest is now pretty much invitation only as is the Winchester Tn event. Both have a long history of being a great cooker friendly event and can basically have whoever they want. Dillard invites back everyone from last year to the next year's event and not many folks dont return each year.
I do not consider that invitational when inviting back the same teams first, i consider it loyalty
I do not consider that invitational when inviting back the same teams first, i consider it loyalty

Agreed. However, making selections based on who knows who, reviewing credentials/wins/ability to vend etc. certainly is.

Just curious - Do KCBS rules would allow an invitational contest to count for KCBS TOY points ? I thought the American Royal Open counts toward TOY and not the AR Invitational but I may be wrong. Is that the same with the GAB Open/Invitational ?
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If selecting a team based on if they are "national" or "vending" or "putting on a cooking demo for the public" is considered invitational then accepting only those teams that competed last year would be invitational as well.

KCBS hasn't had a problem with the grandfathering so far, Wildwood, Harpoon and Dillard have been doing it for at least the last 3-4 years. So I don't see why KCBS would have a problem with an open application period and then selecting some teams based on vending, national, demo or whatever. If KCBS did have an issue with this, then I'd submit that all contests should have 100% open enrollment the only criteria being what entry/check shows up in the mailbox first.

But, I personally don't think KCBS is going to issue any kind of mandates to some of the top contests in the country unless there is a really good reason to do so.

Just .02, as I said at the beginning of this thread I am biased. If I'm pissing you off please swing by my camp in Salisbury for a pull off of the IPA keg and we can talk bbq or baseball or something much more interesting.
Are you and big daddy coming back up?

Dr. Frankenswine has sent an invitation to each of us. He was originally trying to see if he could gain an entry for a FL team made up of a few of us, but it obviously didn't pass. Whether or not I get up there this year is up in the air for me, but probably not likely. has decided to come to their senses and compete at Harpoon again rather than making a rash decision based on speculation for 2009.

We have also decided to vend on Sunday.
If selecting a team based on if they are "national" or "vending" or "putting on a cooking demo for the public" is considered invitational then accepting only those teams that competed last year would be invitational as well.

KCBS hasn't had a problem with the grandfathering so far, Wildwood, Harpoon and Dillard have been doing it for at least the last 3-4 years. So I don't see why KCBS would have a problem with an open application period and then selecting some teams based on vending, national, demo or whatever. If KCBS did have an issue with this, then I'd submit that all contests should have 100% open enrollment the only criteria being what entry/check shows up in the mailbox first.

But, I personally don't think KCBS is going to issue any kind of mandates to some of the top contests in the country unless there is a really good reason to do so.

Just .02, as I said at the beginning of this thread I am biased. If I'm pissing you off please swing by my camp in Salisbury for a pull off of the IPA keg and we can talk bbq or baseball or something much more interesting.

From what I know, invitational contests are NOT sanctioned by KCBS. You don't seem them listed on the KCBS site. Invitationals do not count towards TOY. If Harpoon moves to an Invitational, it should lose its KCBS sanctioning. Period.

I'd say most competitions give first preference to returning teams. That is not unusual.
From what I know, invitational contests are NOT sanctioned by KCBS. You don't seem them listed on the KCBS site. Invitationals do not count towards TOY. If Harpoon moves to an Invitational, it should lose its KCBS sanctioning. Period.

I'd say most competitions give first preference to returning teams. That is not unusual.

It's not unusual but it is invitational. By no means is filling a contest with those teams that competed last year an 'open' contest.
Dr. Frankenswine has sent an invitation to each of us. He was originally trying to see if he could gain an entry for a FL team made up of a few of us, but it obviously didn't pass. Whether or not I get up there this year is up in the air for me, but probably not likely.
cmon rub ya gotta come up, we are gonna make the linguine and clam sauce just for you guys
It's not unusual but it is invitational. By no means is filling a contest with those teams that competed last year an 'open' contest.

What I've seen is the applications are available to the former year teams for a month or so before it is opened up. Even the Royal and GAB do this for their Opens.

That is a little different than selecting the teams you want at your contest for reasons of: vending, celebrity status, locality, national or local rankings, etc. That invitation with a purpose.

Just my humble opinion... which means nothing in the world of KCBS... except 4 votes in January. :biggrin:
boy I go away for a week and a whole bunch of stuff busy times I guess.

We have never been able to compete at Harpoon for various reasons but have considered judging there and have just sent Fitz and e-mail about doing so. From what I understand this a great event and I would like to check it out in some capacity other than as a spectator.

If I remember correctly, last year the majority of the judges spots were filled at the CBJ class that took place in Maynard. I am just wondering if that is still going to be the case going forward in '09. It would seem to me that if you want to have "the most qualified teams" competing, that the judging should be on par with the competitors.

I dont know how the rest of you feel about judging, would you be adverse to judging at a contest that you weren't able to compete in? I would rather compete, but if I am not able to I think that judging is a viable alternative at least for me and the others guys on our team. I also think that if we do so we may actually help with inconsistencies in the judging that has been a thorn in many of our sides.
I dont know how the rest of you feel about judging, would you be adverse to judging at a contest that you weren't able to compete in? I would rather compete, but if I am not able to I think that judging is a viable alternative at least for me and the others guys on our team. I also think that if we do so we may actually help with inconsistencies in the judging that has been a thorn in many of our sides.

Hey Sean

Thats what I did last year.
I've been trying to get into Harpoon over the last two years with no luck. So last year I judged instead. I loved it! I got there in the morning to judge then after judging I got to hang out with everybody and party. It's a great way to hang out at a comp if you cant get in.
I didn't get in this year either :sad:.

BTW, Mark Gelo is the judges contact, not fitz.
