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Mark Warren

I bake bread of all kinds, from sourdough to my own dinner rolls, hamburger buns, white sandwich bread, and so on and so on...

I bake on average every 3 days and have do so for many many years, so I know a good mixer when I see one. Over the years I have had my share of mixers, 3 of which were KitchenAid Professional stand mixers. Those types of mixers are known as Planetary mixers (they mix or knead from the top moving in the bowl). They have a few limitations that I have abused over the years of owning them because in part i didn't know any better and partly because I needed to do a bigger dough ball.

So all Planetary stand mixers cannot knead bread above the first speed. I never knew that until I found out after I burned up my 3rd KitchenAid professional in 15 years.

The other abuse I am charged with is they have a limitation on the size of dough ball you can knead at one time, I believe it is about 1 KG and my white bread/ dinner roll or white bread / Hamburger bun dough ball is 1800 grams in size. I had no Idea because it didn't even take up 1/4 of the mixing bowl so why would I think I was overloading it.

So after a LONG time doing my research I found this my new mixer.

Ankarsrum Model N30 - Made in Sweden by Mark V Warren, on Flickr

It doesn't take up nearly as much counter-space as anything I have ever owned and it's limitations are well above anything I will ever need.

It will handle a 5 KG dough ball = 5000 Grams or about 11 pounds - Thats HUGE!

Also it will handle that big dough-ball at much higher speeds - they recommend up to medium speed and that as you will see in my video is quite fast.


This thing is a beast and I couldn't be happier I found it. From the reviews I have read over the many years since it was first developed in 1940 in Sweden, people are still using the old ones today as a solid workhorse of the kitchen.

Ankarsrum Model N30 - Made in Sweden by Mark V Warren, on Flickr

Ankarsrum Model N30 - Made in Sweden by Mark V Warren, on Flickr

I just wanted to share my find with you guys because I believe Good BBQ only gets you halfway there, you also need good bread to tie it all together.

This is where I bought mine.

I haven't put my review up there yet because I usually wait a couple years first.

Thanks for reading.
The definitely looks interesting. I've just started bread making and can't decide whether I really like my kitchenaid for it or not.
The definitely looks interesting. I've just started bread making and can't decide whether I really like my kitchenaid for it or not.

Your KitchenAid will work just fine as long as you stay at the first speed for bread and stay under 1000 Grams for your dough-ball.
Your KitchenAid will work just fine as long as you stay at the first speed for bread and stay under 1000 Grams for your dough-ball.

Maybe that's the problem I'm having, I usually bump it up to 3 or so on the speed, it might be that the higher speed is what is causing the problems.
Maybe that's the problem I'm having, I usually bump it up to 3 or so on the speed, it might be that the higher speed is what is causing the problems.

The Higher speed will grind the gears out. My new mixer is setting the sweet spot for me at 58% Hydration dough an the KitchenAid it was 60% Hydration and when Hand kneading you want about 65%. The wetter the dough the less you have to knead it up to a 70% Hydration dough that does not require kneading at all. If you have a wetter dough and want it to raise higher than you are able to get it to, do not preheat your oven, split the top, put it in the oven then turn it on. if it is a convection oven or a gas oven it will come up to speed fast enough but while it comes up it will super-proof it and split out of your top cuts real nice leaving a nice inside crumb with wholes.
Not sure what types of issues you are having with your bread, but if you send me a PM I will help you through them.
Pretty neat piece of equipment. Will be interested to hear how yours holds up over time. The reviews on Amazon seem to indicate that it holds up pretty well. I agree with you that a good bread product complements any good BBQ / grilled table fare. Personally, I am baking challenged and for that reason am a no-knead fan. My wife is the serious baker and makes a lot of sour dough products. She has already worn out one KA Pro stand mixer. This might be our next purchase when the current KA gives up the ghost.