"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Happy Friday

Still waiting on my new smoker to be completed

So going to fire up the Kettle on Sunday - have a 5 pound brisket flat curing for corn beef/pastrami - plan is to smoke that on Sunday, with some bratwurst and a few baked potatoes - and make pastrami baked potatoes

Have a great weekend
Happy Phryday Pholks!
It's pharking cold here, single digits, pharenhite cold!
Tonight will be hamloaph patties on the Blackstone, not sure about tomorrow.
Sunday I'm thinking of meatloaph on the Weber in honor of Mr. Aday.
Have a great weekend and stay warm kids!
Nothing outside for me, it’s cold here too.
I’m gonna make some biscuits tomorrow or Sunday.
My wiphe has inside meals planned.

Edit , gonna be 61* on Sunday. Pulled some beeph short ribs from the phreezer.

Happy weekend!
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I threw a bargain bin chuck-eye steak on the 26er and whipped up a baked 'tater w/ Cavender's and some steamed broccoli for tonight.

Saturday brings a batch of wings on the 26er for the GB v SF playoff matchup.

No flippin' clue about Sunday, but maybe we'll do something fun. Been dealing with a guajillo chile shortage :)shock:) in the 505 over the last 2 weeks. Maybe I'll get to mess around with some salsa roja and carne asada or some such. We'll see.

Y'all please be safe and keep the thin blue rolling as best you can.
Smoked pork shoulder, hog apple beans, and spicy apple-pecan ribs. Leftover pork will become a Shepard’s pie.

I will also be making grilled strawberry bruschetta with orange mascarpone cheese and honey, for an article I’m writing.

Happy Phriday ya’ll!
Got a 3 bone rib roast Phor my Phather-in-law's birthday, gonna make some jus to go along with that as well. Not sure what else, but I think we're covered pretty good - maybe some snacks or a little somethin somethin else.

Happy Phriday and weekend to Phu and crew and all y'all Pharkers!