"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Still spending down previous cooks enjoying leftovers. I’ve gifted several packages of meat to friends and my Mom. No plans to cook anything large.
It would be awkward to not cook something outside.
Really awkward.

NFI- just small
Happy Phriday Phu and pharkers,
We have to dephrost our phreezer soon, so I am taking advantage and cleaning some oph the phrozen meats out and throwing it on the smoker. Pork ribs and chicken legs are on the agenda, and I will do some legs with Peri Peri since Marty's cook inspired me. Have a phun and saphe weekend, y'alls.
Happy Phryday Pholks!
Tonight is Phish Phry Phryday on the BS.
Sunday is Wingphest, Peri Peri, Teriyaki, Naturiffic Hot Wing rubbed and whatever else is in the cabinet.
Not sure about tomorrow, but hoping Costco has some of the prime ribeye caps on hand.
Happy Phriday all! Tonight is going to see the Steeldrivers, and conveniently there is a mexican festival across the street from the venue with all sorts of vendors. Tomorrow is going to be a ham, some sausages, and probably some appetizer stuff. Sunday is a pork butt, ribs, and beans for my Mom's birthday party.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!
Going to do my standard Central Texas style brisket - I just have to choose my smoke weapon (WSM, Drum, Offset) based on how much fun I want to have adjusting temp and fuel. Someday I'll go to the dark side ( which is calling) and get something like a Traeger which I call "fire and forget" - go get some sleep, go to the store, take the boat out, then come back to some good food - that's very tempting. Have Fun!!!
Just smoked a no-trim, no-fuss, S&P brisket overnight in the drum, so I have enough leftovers to last for awhile. Maybe I'll fix a pot of brisket chili to simmer while dove hunting! That would be quick and easy! :grin:

Hope you have a great weekend Phu and Brethren!