"Happy Phriday Pharkers,what's Smoking this Weekend?"

Paging Dr Phu and all you ember heads....blackened fresh catfish fillets on the Blue Rhino griddle (BRG) last night....don’t think I let it get hot enough but The fish was WONDERFUL, just not crusty enough....still a learning curve but baby oh baby to griddle outside is wonderful....I suggest you ask santa for one of these animals for your stocking....Daughter in law just called son and ask what I was cooking for supper......hahahaha.......you gotta be loved for something in life I guess...Happy Phriday dudes and dudette....Peace
Hoping to finish up Christmas shopping this weekend. Picking up booze and ammo for those special friends. :mrgreen:

Thinking of another venison smoke. Maybe toss a couple of quail or dove on the cooker too. Hmm.... catfish sounds good too. I'll have to rethink this. lol

Hope you have a great weekend Phu and Brethren!
Wanting to buy a bottle of Duck Fat Spray I keep seeing scroll.
Perhaps fried walleye Sunday. Fried walleye with Mac n cheese with Italian sausage crumbles topped with chopped morels. Hudson’s wild boar sausage and wings?

Or something.

Really no plans. Just winging it.
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