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somebody shut me the fark up.
Apr 29, 2012
The butts seasoned with Head Country Sweet and Spicy

Lookin’ alright

One is done, the other is panned and foiled tightly it’s hanging tough

Bologna was up next

Right after the second butt came of the sausages went on and the table was set

Plate up y’all!

As soon as the meats came off desert went on, my all time favorite baked desert, a cherry crisp! It’s a real treat seeing as how we only eat it a couple times a year!

Served with Blue Bell Vanilla!

As always, thanks for lookin!
Absolutely amazing everything!! No doubt you had a great Father's Day. Not sure if that is BlueBell Homemade Vanilla or not, but it's the best vanilla ice cream I've had.
Happy Father's Day brother!

Everything looks amazing but your smoked bolognas just stand out. :hungry:
Happy Father’s ain’t easy to be a good dad, but sure is rewarding
That looks wonderful! The only thing that would have made that plate over the top would have been a couple of slices of onion. Thank you for sharing that!