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So what's the sole #1 purpose for hanging ribs? Especially for competition?

Following the above link it talks about how when the ribs are vertical the block the heat less which allows for faster cooking, I can also gather people can cook more racks than laying them flat. Wouldn't a rib rack give you all of that without the danger of your ribs falling in the fire, which a couple people have mentioned above? I'm not poo pooing the idea. But there has to be something I'm missing about that technique primarily for competitions.
Have you tried it? I didn't see the point either until I tried it. I like the end product when hung.
Have you tried it? I didn't see the point either until I tried it. I like the end product when hung.

While I don't hang ribs in a drum, my common sense(which always gets me in trouble), tells me that they would self baste. Ya know, how a rotisserie does on briskets.