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View attachment 37753
Pile of Stacked Wood

Its sad, after 20 plus years and I don't know how many cords of wood I have burned I still find a wood provider that wants to jack with me.

I finally after a year of persuading my Churches Trustees, Finance and Outreach and Fellowship Committee that we need real wood not scraps and crap, to which I might add a certain accountant (Yankee) who was unaware all the great BBQ she ate last year was made with wood, I finally was able to get them to buy a cord... to some, they didn't get it... buy something only to burn it.

So I have stringent rules for wood but I can't always do what effective business owners do when an order is not right, I am representing a Church.

Thursday the guy comes by and one look at his trailer I say, "you are about 30 cubic feet short. The guy says "no I am not." After saying we will see, I notice he brought me EXCACTLY what i specifically told him NOT to... Over Punked, nasty, rotted wood with the bark falling off.

You don't want this for a couple of reasons, one it burns in a flash, two, it only gets worse and three, it taste nasty and is only good for starting fires.

So anyway, normally I do the right thing, before I let them drop it I measure it. I should have and let the guy explain to me how a 6 x 8 x 2 foot stack of wood on his trailer is 128 cubic feet.

But I didn't.. I think I was so overjoyed his delivery included stacking. So in the end I make him measure the stacks.

I laid out three pallets and when he was done has a 6 foot face of 2.5 foot high wood on one side and a 10 foot by 2.5 foot high section on the other side. It was four foot wide with an 8 inch space in the middle where he laid out no wood. Plus The munch tried to measure the pallet into the height.

We agreed he owed me wood and I said just keep the pile as high as it is and make the 6 foot pile 10 foot and fill the middle and we will call it a day.

I was smart enough to fill the receipt out 96 cubic feet delivered.. he never realized I did this.

Anyway, days passed and I never got the wood. I had to do some leaning but I got the wood and the good **** too! I could make damn furniture out of what he brought me the second time.

I promised to do a video on wood so I might feature him. I was surprised honestly he gave me the wood I asked for and plus some. Most guys just leave ya hanging.

View attachment 37754
Not Wood But a Stacked Pile of Unbridled Hotness that Gives me Wood
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Is that oak, hickory or pecan on Ms. Vega's beautiful bannister and staircase ?? She keeps a tidy home...

Good reminder for me that I check to ensure they qty delivered is accurate.. I used to pick up logs and load them in my car (imagine a 4 dr Saturn with the trunk, backseat and passenger seat loaded from top to bottom) but I'm planning on a delivery this time as it was a real PITA to clean out the car to remove all the chips and bark everytime i made a pickup.
Not Wood But a Stacked Pile of Unbridled Hotness that Gives me Wood[/QUOTE]

Call me Pinocchio!

Gave you a little more than he needed? Maybe the fact that you did not embarass him even when he trid to punk you made a difference when it came time to make good on the sale. Good job measuring.
Thought I saw a picture of wood but then something else grabbed my attention....
After 10 yearsI've yet to find a guy who understands the difference in a full cord
vs. a face cord, or frankly knows oak from hickory. I've resorted to finding my own
trees and harvesting the wood myself. I'm too old for this crap. Luckily I'm dead
center of shagbark hickory heaven. You cannot walk 20 feet without running in to
a hickory tree.