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is One Chatty Farker

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Batch Image
May 12, 2010
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Today's Sunday Dinner

Grilled Pork Loin Stuffed with Pears and Apples
Roasted Baby Potatoes
Oven Roasted Asparagus

Inspiration from a recent Cowboy Kent Rollins YouTube video, except I added some bread stuffing to the pears and apples. This was half of a pork loin I purchased, the whole loin would have been far too much for Mrs lunchman and me.

I sliced up a Granny Smith apple and a Bartlett Pear, sauteed them in a small amount of butter with brown sugar and cinnamon, leaving them still crisp. I butterflied the tenderloin as flat as possible, seasoned it with PlowBoys, spread out the filling, rolled and tied it, outside hit with more PlowBoys. The biggest problem was I could not find my butcher's twine, so had to do my best with a much shorter piece I happened to find. Hence the aluminum foil on the grill in some of the pics to keep the filling somewhat intact.

My alternate stuffing would have been mushrooms and red peppers, but I decided to go with the pears and apples. Perhaps when I grill the other half of this loin (and have a sufficient amount of twine!) I'll try the mushroom and roasted red pepper filling. OK, some pics.

Filling just about ready to be rolled, it was spread more evenly to make rolling a bit easier -

The Goldens' was set up for indirect with the divider plate. The potatoes are on the direct side in the CI pan seasoned with EVOO, S&P and Herbs de Provence. The roast is on the indirect side, grill temp around 350. Grill time was about an hour, hour and fifteen -

Reverse sear to set up a nice crust -

Resting and sliced -

And plated -

The pears and apples were a nice touch, sort of an autumn spin for this pork loin. I'm glad I went with this combo, it was an excellent pairing. My thanks to Kent Rollins for the inspiration.

As always, my thanks to you for checking out tonites's dinner!
