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Hello all,
I'm new to the forums, was kind of directed from from watching the ManCaveMeals on youtube. I am new to BBQ/smokers but have already pulled the trigger and have all the parts I need to build my first UDS (picking up the actual drum tomorrow) and expect to have it completed and everything seasoned this weekend. If I get a break and the stars align I hope to test it all out with a couple chickens.

A bit more about me, I am by no means even a "decent" cook, I can grill steaks, brats, and a few other things, but nothing on the magnitude of an accomplished cook, in fact I'm even worse in the kitchen. My hope is to be able to develop my *outdoor* cooking skills, and I believe this site will make that goal a reality.

I really became seriously interested in BBQ/smoking from a co-worker who first explained what a UDS was to me, and due to my physical location being about smack dab in the middle of the highest concentration of grillers on the planet (honestly, when I leave for work, and when I get home, there's always someone cooking something outside that smells incredible.) or at least close to the highest population :)

Anyway, I've read others intros, and understand it's often customary to include build pics, etc. so I hope to make my next post a commentary with pics on how my build went together.

Till then, thanks for this very nice resource, I plan on gleaning lots of bbq ninja skills while here!
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