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Thanks guys we are very excited and don't know what to do with ourselves. Several frends have helped us just to get to the show not to mention came down to support us. Our aprons arived one hour before we left to the event, Our printer decided he wanted us all to match so he donated hats and aprons.

Man this is such a buzz!! If there were any doubts about the pro 20 XL let me tell you this mother sings like no other! This was the first time we ever set eyes on one and the learning curve was some where close to zero!



We did battle with thre of these.


I got busy in the early hours geting a start on the boxes ...
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We don't have the scores in yet but we took first in chicken and first is sauce.

The chicken was done over...PECAN! I need more of this wonderful wood.
All the best wishes and hope your luck will continue. What did you cook in what?(if that's not too nosy) Great job, have some for us,Steve.
Thanks for pic's from across the pond!!! Have a pint for me, congrat's!!
Good show, Doc. Couldn't be happier for you.
(I imagine this was not the contest I helped judge today, in Mount Vernon, IL.)
That is amazing. Congratulations! Can you elaborate on what cookers you used?
Thanks brothers and sisters.

I managed to get some sleep last night after a good drink but after we unpack I suspect we will be in the bottle again. Last night we brought leftovers and shared them at our local with friends.

A few more pictures.

The family fixing my late night mistakes.


Beer can chicken on the Weber.
Had a bit of a panic thinking it would be done too soon but now I have a new (to me) method for chicken.
Ribs on the ProQ XL

Right from the start there wasn't much to work with on them but we smoked and made the best of it.


The UDS in action
