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Is lookin for wood to cook with.
Apr 23, 2016
Carlisle, PA
Started the cook early this morning for the Memorial Day/nephew's high school graduation get together. Hopefully the weather straightens out.

Started the fire in the Klose last night around 11:00 before catching a few hours sleep. I've never tried pre-firing the grill so thought I'd try. I got it to 300 last night before I jumped in bed. Got up at 2:00 and went to check on it. It was down to around 185 which was better than starting from scratch. It had rained and was raining when I woke up which didn't help the cause and it's been raining off and on since I got started this morning(currently 5:45 am EST)

Got the Klose back up to 250 and threw the brisket on around 2:30). Will be getting two pork butts on here in an hour. then around 10:00 throwing 3 chickens on.

Starting weight for this cook is approximately 40 pounds. Hope that's enough meat for 8 people :)

It looks like the rain might be over. We must have had a lot while I slept. There's a stream that runs through a valley on the other side of the lane to my house. It's running so hard that it sounds like 50 mph winds blowing through the trees.

Hope you all have great cooks over the next two days. Let remember why this holiday is observed and thank those who gave all for us to be able to do what we can.