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Found some matches.
Dec 21, 2015
Mims, FL
I have been given access to an old orange grove down here in Fl to take out as much wood as I want. My question is what would be a good genera size to cut it for use in smokers. I’m thinking ten in pieces by around 2-3in round . I have a splitter and plan on making use of the the whole tree... I’m also curious as to what would be a good price to sell it. I’m gonna start at $10.00 a box ( something like a banana box). What do y’all think?
If you're selling I'd recommend "standard" splits about 18" long and however big around you're comfortable with. Let the end user decide if he wants to custom-cut for his particular pit once he gets it home. No sense in standing around a splitter or using a chainsaw any longer than you need to. Time is money. :thumb: