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Well somebody needs to say it -- Build a UDS!

Thank god!!! I was holding my breath waiting for this...

Just an FYI, I have never had to add fuel using the minion method in either the UDS or WSM. I have cooked 20 hours on a UDS and about 14 hours straight on a WSM.

I never really had much of an issue with my old offset either and I don't mind tending a fire. I DO mind not having the space needed and then having to tear it apart to add fuel when I need to. Granted on a 6+ hour cook I only need to add hot coals once, it's a pain and I loose a ton of heat.

I see you are in Petaluma. There is a guy in Sacramento that buys, refurbishes, and sells old patio offsets. He sells a COS for about $200 and the quality offsets for about $600. Check him out. Maybe you can pick up an old 1/4" New Bruanfels or Brinkman Pitmaster. Look for " Heavy Duty Offset BBQ/Smoker" on Sacramento Craigslist.

Larry S

I see you are in Petaluma. There is a guy in Sacramento that buys, refurbishes, and sells old patio offsets. He sells a COS for about $200 and the quality offsets for about $600. Check him out. Maybe you can pick up an old 1/4" New Bruanfels or Brinkman Pitmaster. Look for " Heavy Duty Offset BBQ/Smoker" on Sacramento Craigslist.

Larry S

Thanks Larry. I'll check that out tonight.
I would definitely sell either one or even both and get a bigger size cooker like 26, XL egg / Vision grill or Pecos if you'd like offset. I would say a minimum size for egg is Large. Medium is just way too small.
Well, the Old Country Pecos is leading the pack. I'm putting a new gasket on the egg this week and the whole setup is going up on Craigslist on Friday. Not sure what price I'm shooting for but I just want enough to cover the Pecos with shipping. Medium egg (fire box and ring are cracked) custom table, plate setter and cover for $500. Thoughts?
I can't comment on your price for the Egg, but going back to the "it's not a Yoder" comment, I went with an Old Country (Brazos) over a Yoder because the vent on the Old Country is at the grate level rather than at the top. They're the only ones in the price range that I found that do that.
Take the plunge, pick a cooker and go for it, you're going to drive yourself crazy until you do.

Just waiting to sell the egg. I'm going with the Pecos for sure. I really love everything about it. I'm getting the egg cleaned up with a new gasket tomorrow and then it's going on Craigslist. Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick sale.
Good deal! Always good to go with your gut and it seems like the pecos was the one you were stuck on. Hope you get the egg sold and your new offset soon, good luck.
I was in a similar position a few months back. I have been smoking on my 22.5 Weber for nearly 10 years. The last couple years I have been cooking larger quantities more frequently and have been frustrated by the lack of consistency and lack of room.

I had the Pecos at the top of my list after several weeks of research. Was eventually persuaded to spend a decent bit more on a KAT (out of Modesto) but I still think the Pecos is an excellent option. It uses thicker steel than alot of the smokers in that price range and has a lot of good reviews all over the web about its overall construction.

I actually met a guy this past Friday that has one. He was using it to do 8 racks of ribs. He had nothing but good things to say about it. Actually made me wonder if paying 3X the amount for a RF was worth it!!
I was in a similar position a few months back. I have been smoking on my 22.5 Weber for nearly 10 years. The last couple years I have been cooking larger quantities more frequently and have been frustrated by the lack of consistency and lack of room.

I had the Pecos at the top of my list after several weeks of research. Was eventually persuaded to spend a decent bit more on a KAT (out of Modesto) but I still think the Pecos is an excellent option. It uses thicker steel than alot of the smokers in that price range and has a lot of good reviews all over the web about its overall construction.

I actually met a guy this past Friday that has one. He was using it to do 8 racks of ribs. He had nothing but good things to say about it. Actually made me wonder if paying 3X the amount for a RF was worth it!!

Sold the egg and table yesterday and ordered my Pecos. Using my 18" Weber til it arrives.

And you're in Petaluma?!?! Cool! Me too...
Where do you plan on getting your wood for the stick burner? I got a 1/4 cord of oak from All Seasons Firewood in Santa Rosa. I'm new to the area, so I just went with the place that had good reviews on Yelp!
Where do you plan on getting your wood for the stick burner? I got a 1/4 cord of oak from All Seasons Firewood in Santa Rosa. I'm new to the area, so I just went with the place that had good reviews on Yelp!

I've been looking at all seasons. How much was the 1/4 from and how long did it last?
Where do you plan on getting your wood for the stick burner? I got a 1/4 cord of oak from All Seasons Firewood in Santa Rosa. I'm new to the area, so I just went with the place that had good reviews on Yelp!

Also got a suggestion for neros in Novato. Don't know much about either.