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Knows what WELOCME spells.
Aug 2, 2010
Halifax, Nova Scotia
After a long week of having visiting family and snow I wanted a relaxing Friday evening of tending the grill and some red meat. Picked up a couple rib-eye steaks, veggies and some wings for later on.
Steaks and veggies prepped (guess which steak is mine)

If you guessed this one you’re right!

I fired up the 22” OTS with lump, put the veggies on direct and the steaks on indirect for a reverse sear.

A little snow wasn’t going to stop me.

Everything's done and off the grill

No plated pics, I was too busy enjoying it all. Steak was cooked beautifully, right between rare and med-rare.
While everything was cooking I whipped up some jerk seasoning and vac-packed some chicken wings with it. They went on the gasser later on when a buddy stopped by.

A very relaxing Friday night. Have my first bacon to work on this weekend as well as cook something for Sunday’s football games. Have a great weekend!
Believe it or not this was just at the Sobeys meat counter, only 2 good looking ribeyes there, I took one and the guy behind me saw them and said "I'll take the other!"
Fine looking meal there! Is it just me, or do those steaks look more like filets than ribeyes? :confused:
Boy0boY This post looks familiar:p
Again, Great Food!
Great Photos!
I LOVE seeing the WEBER's in action!

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Virginia Woolf 1882 - 1941
It's looks like it's the first cut on the edge of the short end.

I know what you're saying, but not necessarily. It looks like a true ribeye...deckle off.

A rib steak is the proper term for deckle on. The deckle is the heavily marbled roll on the outside of the eye.

The term "ribeye" means the eye of a rib steak...deckle off.
Believe it or not this was just at the Sobeys meat counter, only 2 good looking ribeyes there, I took one and the guy behind me saw them and said "I'll take the other!"
They also had a sale on strips two weeks ago and the stuff they had out was so thin I could see through it so I went to the counter and got him to rip these beauties off a whole loin.


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