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Contest update

UPDATE TIME Due to the lack of time around the hoildays and also waiting for anwsers from the State of Massachuetts here is the long awaited contest update. The date has been moved back to Saturday March 1 and Sunday March 2, 2009. This is due to a lack of a guarantee from the Governors Office that we would have a proclaimation in hand by 2/15.

The contest application is now up on our website at
UPDATE TIME Due to the lack of time around the hoildays and also waiting for anwsers from the State of Massachuetts here is the long awaited contest update. The date has been moved back to Saturday March 1 and Sunday March 2, 2009. This is due to a lack of a guarantee from the Governors Office that we would have a proclaimation in hand by 2/15.

The contest application is now up on our website at
Me like the new date!!
UPDATE TIME Due to the lack of time around the hoildays and also waiting for anwsers from the State of Massachuetts here is the long awaited contest update. The date has been moved back to Saturday March 1 and Sunday March 2, 2009. This is due to a lack of a guarantee from the Governors Office that we would have a proclaimation in hand by 2/15.

The contest application is now up on our website at


Do you mean Saturday February 28th 2009 and Sunday March 1st 2009?

Yours in BBQ,


Is there a sign up for judging?
It's sad to see how many of you guys can't do anything without your wifes approval. Get your balls out of your wifes pocket book and head up.
I got a coupla questions...

do they need 15 or 25 teams? isn't this a 2nd year contest?

does it count for NEBS ToY? I havent heard anything about that yet.

can I get some more details on the Iron Chef category? we didn't cook the last one in these parts.

what's the movie?

hope to see you all there!
Hi Michelle, Last year was not a KCBS Contest, it was only NEBS, so this is a first year contest. so 15 teams is the requirement. it will be a NEBS TOY once i give Leslie $ 50.00. Iron Chef Details will follow, but it will be real simple, one componet must be chocolate and it must fit in the box, very simple and stress free.... Happy New Year !!

I got a coupla questions...

do they need 15 or 25 teams? isn't this a 2nd year contest?

does it count for NEBS ToY? I havent heard anything about that yet.

can I get some more details on the Iron Chef category? we didn't cook the last one in these parts.

what's the movie?

hope to see you all there!
you will be able to run your guru, and one light, not the set up you tried at Sayville however. Location of Judge sign up will be determined later this week, I have nothing to do with the judging, I will post what i find out as soon as i know.
you will be able to run your guru, and one light, not the set up you tried at Sayville however. Location of Judge sign up will be determined later this week, I have nothing to do with the judging, I will post what i find out as soon as i know.

Thanks Eric that's what I needed to know!

No stadium lighting? ;)

That beats the head lamp I had to use (sans guru) at Sayville....

I'll bring extra battery powered lanterns!

Yours in BBQ,
