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is One Chatty Farker
Jul 31, 2011
Beaumont, CA
Working this weekend at a craft show with my wife, so we decided to split the space - 50% jewelry and 50% my stuff.


Sales of my homemade competition bbq sauce and rub going well. To taste them I made pulled chicken in the oven :twitch: and serving it from a crock pot :tsk:

Also have candied jalapeno rings, candied jalapeno relish, bananas foster jam, apple persimmon jam, rum persimmon slices, Dulce de Leche and sriracha salt.

Never made pulled chicken before but it is darn easy and tasty. Mix of boneless skinless thighs and breasts, liberally coated in rub, cooked 90 min at 325 uncovered, added sauce and covered for 30 min longer. Shred with some of the liquid and more rub. Next time doing on the smoker - hopefully my ban will be lifted by then
Turn in your card on your way out.:laugh:

Hey, if it works.

Everything looks and sounds good. How much is your sauce?:becky:
Scott say it ain't so!

Oh well you are forgiven.

Didn't know you sold your own competition sauce and rub. What is it best with? As pat said how much? Do you sell it online yet?
That's an interesting read. :razz: and selling chicken from a crockpot.
I know what Santa is bringing you for Christmas :heh:
For a first effort things went pretty well. We didn't have any expectations going into this, so we left happy. And besides, money I made went into my comp fund - looking forward to the Guinea Pig III in February 2016

Turn in your card on your way out.:laugh:

Hey, if it works.

Everything looks and sounds good. How much is your sauce?:becky:

Scott say it ain't so!

Oh well you are forgiven.

Didn't know you sold your own competition sauce and rub. What is it best with? As pat said how much? Do you sell it online yet?

For the craft show it was being sold for $8 a pint. They charged a $50 table fee and 20% of sales - it was a fundraiser for the YMCA Legal Aid Clinic, so we were happy to help with their financial efforts. Never had considered selling sauce before, but when I found out last month that we were going to participate, had to come up with what I could offer. I was cleaned out of the sauce and candied jalapeno rings. The jalapenos were HOT this year, oy vey!

It was crockpot chicken but it had your recipe rubs and sauce so i call it a wash

I like the way you do math...

Where do y'all do this? I wanna come by and, I mean check it out one day. :heh:

This was a first effort, but it was something that we had fun doing together, so I'm sure we will do it again. During the show we were approached by an organizer setting up an event in Indio in March, so might consider taking the drive to the desert. Between BBQ comps and Craft Shows, at least we won't be bored on weekends wondering where to go :biggrin1:
I say good on you. Hell, I've made stove top pulled chicken before. Ain't bad, actually.

I kept telling my wife that I was embarrassed to admit it, but it was really tasty. It would be better (obviously) done on the smoker, but as I used house-smoked brown sugar and sea salt in my rub, it still was better than restaurant bbq

Hugs and kisses,
Anonymous, the gnome who hacked into deguerre's account

Guerry, you are a complete badass - would love nothing more than to hang with you, Jeanie and Ron with custom roasted coffee. Until then, might just need to put your photo on the table...


That's it, we need the BBQ Brethren traveling roadshow