First Turkey ....


Full Fledged Farker
Jun 3, 2013
Maiden NC
When I have a question I always go to the experts so here it is....brined the bird for 12 hours ...put on the smoker at 6 am this morning ran between 275-325...12 lb bird and its probing at 180 in 2.5 question is if I pan it and foil it can I leave it on the cooker for another hour or so or will it dry it out ...I need to hold it for a few more hours till served ..never expected it to be done this fast

well its looks pretty good anyway
it's done. may put in cooler but not on smoker or oven if hot. IMO! can u wrap in seran warap and put in cooler. It would stay warm along time. especially, if you wrap in a towel before you put in cooler.
180 is really high, it will likely get very dry. But, since you brined it, that may
help to keep it from drying out too much.
Try to keep it at 140°-145° if you can, and put some water in the pan to
keep it in a moist environment. Also, make LOTS of gravy.