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Got Wood.
Apr 9, 2010
Name or Nickame
I'm just letting my chicken thighs rest while the temp holds at 205...

Lookin at some Sweet Blue out the chimney as I type...pretty dang excited.

Thighs and store-bought Italian sausage links tonight.

I figure about 3 hrs around 200-220... Sound right?
Thanks Alan!

I also got some PBR, the lady made pasta salad and some fresh Guacamole for chips, gonna do some beans and bread too...
Sounds like you are doing it right. I would think 3 hours would work out okay. I might do a quick poke check at 2 hours, although I would be surprised it would be done by then.
I will poke check them at 2 hrs.

I would have gone higher temp, but I've heard people say that the higher temp would dry out the links...

I may take it a little higher and just keep the sausage farthest from the fire since I'm cooking on the Chargriller with a SFB but no baffle or chimney mods (yet!)
Tryin to put up some early pics...


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What do you you think the higher temp would do to the sausage links tho Dave?

My first time ya know, so I'm just tryin to get it all good!
The higher the heat, the more risk you run of drying out the sausage. Now, you can one of two things and still get a higher heat on the chicken for the next cook. One is to let the cooker do it's thing with temperature change, that is to say hot on one end and cold on the other. Otherwise, you just wait until later in the cook, when the coals are lower temp and put the sausages in later. I tend to put them on a little later when the fire is really settled in.
That sounds pretty good. I just read so many different theories on times and temps for thighs and sausage that my head was spinnin...

My real goal is to do some mods to seal my cooker up and start doing brisket.
Yes, and that is a worthy goal. So you do not have to depend on BBQ in Walnut Creek. I have no idea despite having lived there for 4 years if there is BBQ in WC.
Me and my girl always like to ring in the Summer with SHOTGUNNING a beer!! Hahahahah

You can just barely see the chimney between us... Is that a sign?


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landarc, there's a Back Forty just up the road from my house and a place called Smokin Okies about a mile away, haven't tried either.

I checked out Back Forty, but it seems kinda corporate, like a place that finishes its bbq in the oven...
Back Forty smokes it meats, but, they suffer from inconsistency and depending on who the pitmaster is, you can get some pretty bad 'que from them. When they cater, it can be very good stuff. They used to be excellent when there was just one or two of them.
Here's the final product...

I'm bitter cause there's still plenty of smoke comin out the chimney so I wish I wouldn't have dumped all the last coals and chunks on... Oh well, next time!


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