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I've read a lot about the "fattys" on here and they sound awesome!

I'm worried that my smoker might run to hot. Can't prove it will, but when I seasoned it Sunday it got real hot real fast. Much faster than I thought it would.
If you are not sure how your drum is running-I'm not sure that I would not do a couple of fatties on the first smoke - roll sausage is way cheap. You can see how your drum reacts to changes when you adjust your slide inlets (I have no experience with those- running 3 x3/4" holes on mine). Another plus is you can probably do this during the week after work- doesn't take too much time. Once you know how it runs- that frees your weekend up for some piggie goodness that will take more hours to complete.
If it's new, pork butts, fatties, chicken. I mean, You have all that room and need to get some seasoning on the walls of that rig.
I've read a lot about the "fattys" on here and they sound awesome!

I'm worried that my smoker might run to hot. Can't prove it will, but when I seasoned it Sunday it got real hot real fast. Much faster than I thought it would.

You'll find that every smoker has a temperature where it likes to run. Find that temp and don't fight it.

BTW, Naked Fatty FTW! Forget about all the stuffing and enrobing. Enjoy the fatty the way it was conceived!
Shoot go for a good rack of baby backs! Just remove membrane, cook at 275 for 4 and half hours. Wrap in alum foil after 2 hours, put back on. cook another 2 and remove from foil. let cook another 30 min uncovered. sounds difficult...its not. Not any harder than a pork butt and its quicker.
My cherry was poped on a pork loin. They don't take long at all and you will have a bunch of it! Coat with a little oil and rub your favorite season salt and let er' rip til it hits 140 internal temp. Let it rest and slice pure heavenly goodness!
My first smoke was a stuffed fatty on the mini - absolutely idiot proof and everyone loved it. It's a good choice for a new pit that will naturally run really hot really fast.

***edit I just remembered the 2.5lb pork butt piece I smoked for like 12 hours and it was dry and it sucked, but I was drunk as hell at the end. It was basically inedible, so lesson learned - if you do a pork butt for your first smoke make sure it's about 8lbs or more.
Like everybody said do a couple butts. Nice thing is you can rest them for a loooong time
if needed. My advice is make your plan to be done early 2-4 hr rest(use oven if needed:shock:)
search for the moving or thank you cook I did a few weeks back.
Yes naked fatty is a must!!!!!!!!
"Select The Smoking Wood you wish to use; Apple, Oak, Hickory, or other Fruit wood, these compliment pork nicely, either alone or in combination with each other. Do not soak any of the wood before using it. Mix 4-6 fist size chunks of wood in with the charcoal in the basket. This single application of smoke wood is all that will necessary for the entire cooking process, and it will produce a nice smokey flavor without being overpowering"

I was always under the impression to soak the wood to cool the coals.Does the percentage of lignin in the wood play a factor in whether the wood should be soaked or not?
Whenever I build a UDS, the first thing I do is put a nice patina of grease on the inside of that smoker by cooking some really fat stuff. I usually throw in a fatty (Jimmy Dean pure pork sausage) or 2 and cook them about 300 till they are pork jerky. By then, you will have a smoker that is ready to go. Throw out the meat despite your urge to eat it! Then your smoker is seasoned and cook whatever the hell you want. :)
I would do hot dogs. Two of them only. That way if you screw them up you still have six more from the package to get it right.

Just kidding. Another vote for pork butt. Injecting, rubbing, temp control, smoke control, getting the feel of tenderness, etc. It gunks up a new grill nicely. Whatever you choose, just remember that the write up and pics are mandatory. :grin:
Add me to the pork butt bandwagon. H&F or L&S, it's all good. Just stick with what temp the smoker wants to be at (assuming it isn't outrageous).
I would actually go chicken or fish....kinda hard to screw up salmon...With a pork butt you are going to need to control the temperature for a long time. For a first cook with a new pit I find that the quicker cooks are a bit easier. Even more so that it's your first time smoking. A butt would be my next one.