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Knows what WELOCME spells.
May 28, 2014
Parker, CO
Ok, so last night I did my first pork butt on the UDS and my first overnight.

Lit the starter chimney about 9:00, once it was ashed over poured it into the fire basket. I had poured lump and briquette in the chimney basket with a can in the center to make a hole in the center for the lit charcoal.,
Caught the temp on the way up and had the UDS holding 257* (was targeting 240* to 250* but it didn't want to run there). After an hour of holding 257*, put the butt on (about 10:30). I had the lid off for about 30-40 seconds so hoped to hold the spike relatively low. Nope spiked up to 325* and I chased it for 2 hours trying to get it to settle at 250* or so again. I had 1 3/4" intake fully open and the ball valve about 1/3 open.

After it settled at 253*, I went to bed with the ET-733 on the night stand. At 2:00 the alarm went off that the grill temp fell below 225*. Got it back up to 250* zone and went back to bed. Alarm went off again about 4:30 for grill temp below 225* again. Got it settled in the zone again and decided to stay up.

About 6:00 the butt hit 163* IT and stalled for more than 4 hours. I rode it out and finally about 2:00 today it hit 190* IT. I should have let it go up a little more but my wife invited her parents over to eat at 3:00 so, although I was prepared to eat whenever the meat was done, I now had a specific time.

Pulled the butt, wrapped in foil and into the cooler with towels to rest. When I got ready to pull the meat, I literally pulled the bone out without so much as a wiggle. The meat pulled apart easily and was very tender.

The in-laws used KC Masterpiece original on theirs, my wife ate hers plain and I used Shack Sauce on mine.

I'm very happy with my effort at a long smoke and look forward to more in the future.


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Congrats on the successful first cook. Bone wiggle is the best test for butts.
Looks Good! You will get the hang of it - steady temps -with more cooks. I don't like lump in my UDS - many do - I get steadier longer temps with Briquetts. Don't try to hold a temp it doesn't want to - 275* is the Best All Around Temp but anything under 325* will work.
A couple of things you might want to try, close your intake before removing the lid, it will eliminate any spikes in temp, just set the intake back to where you had it. It takes time for the UDS to come up to temp after putting meat in, more meat a longer time but I'm talking 30 minutes to 1 hr at most even with 6 butts usually.
Not sure why you had temp drops, do you have a chimney on your exhaust? Might have been a wind caused problem. Is your coal basket 3 inches or more up off of the bottom of the barrel? Could have been ash build up.
Keep at it, you will get it.