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is one Smokin' Farker
Sep 6, 2011
My 4yo son and I planted pepper plants indoors in February. They all did well, except that only 1 habanero plant germinated. We planted half of the peppers in pots on the deck and the other half out in the garden. All of the seeds, except the Chilhaucle Negros, came from I can't say enough good about his seeds. I had great germination rates and the plants are healthier than I have ever had.

Here are the giant jalapenos. These are supposed to get 4-5" long and are destined for ABT's:



Here are the poblanos. I have already picked some and grilled them. They have much more flavor than the ones I have been buying in the grocery store:


And, here are the chilhuacle negros. I have not grown these before. But, they are supposed to be really good to grill and/or stuff. You can see that they are small and round right now. When they mature, they turn from green to a blackish color:


And, finally, my lone chocolate habanero plant. It is very healthy, but has not grown as quickly as the others:


We also have Cowhorn peppers and Cayennes, but I did not get pictures of them.

One thing that I did differently this year is I planted the seeds in 4" nursery pots. And, instead of peat moss, I used Miracle Gro potting soil. When I transplanted them, they were not root-bound as they have been in the small Jiffy peat moss cups. I will definitely be using this method again. My son and I have had a blast. Every day, he goes outside to check on his peppers. When we picked poblanos last week, you would have thought Santa Claus came. I have been bound and determined to raise him to play outside (instead of in front of a video game), and so far it is working. He is my little gardener, griller and firewood helper.
something special about teaching kids about where food comes from and the joys of watching stuff grow, you should get chickens if the space permits, finding a freshly laid egg on a cold frosty morning and bringing it inside and cooking it still excites me