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alright, now, whats the most economical(cheap long lasting) way to do some sort of fire basket, that can accomodate both charcoal if i wished, and wood? it will most likely mostly used for wood, but charcoal will used for a different taste... or somethin, any help would be greatly appreciated!!:eusa_clap:mrgreen::eek:

someone on the UDS thread used an old metal milk crate for their charcoal basket. that sounds pretty cheap and long lasting!
someone on the UDS thread used an old metal milk crate for their charcoal basket. that sounds pretty cheap and long lasting!

You mean like this?????


Not the best pic of the old milk basket, bu it works.

Yes the barrel is SS ...................

Paul B
that might work.... but it doesnt look like would fit into my fire box it's smaller than a 55gal drum and horizontal...but does that hold charcoal decent?
mmmmm lovey zinc aftertaste and toxic fumes waht more could a guy ask for?????:-?:-?:-?:icon_smil:icon_smil:icon_smil:icon_smil :confused: :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
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Galvanized! :shock:

That must be why it tastes so much better when I cook with that basket!
Everybody knows that when pork fat drips on out gassing zinc, the resultant smoke is pure, freebase MSG!

Thanks fer all the encouragement, it's been a real stress relief as lost my job 2 months ago, and had to move in with the inlaws, but havent spent any money cept for buyin weldin wire and it's great therapy cuttin stuff up and puttin it together as somethin i can & will for the good of man kind!!!:shock::shock::icon_bigsmil :icon_bigsmil :icon_shock1: :icon_cool
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smore updates fer the week on the smoker

got smore done... little cool stuff hope ya like
here's the grate i built up outta 1/2" i thinks

ok here's my idea fer a throttle i call it stick on a door ;) this is closed


partial open there is actually 2 partial open notches bout 1/2ish and 3/4 ish

full open

i have notches at eash position, but the horizontal bar you see next to the lever there kinda spring loads it tight so i can really put it anywhere i wanna.

thanks fer lookin lemme know what you think!!!!:icon_cool :icon_cool :icon_cool :icon_cool
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what should i use as far as this goes, i know i'll need instant fer quick checks, but what's good temp monitoring equipment?

I just picked up a Maverick ET-73 that came highly recomended on this site. Its wireless and has 1 probe for meat and 1 for grill temp. Just did my first smoke with it over the weekend and it worked great.