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NutBush Smoker

I have been telling all my friends about the Fattie and today I finally made one. I used 1lb Turkey Burger, 1lb Hot and Spicy Pork Sausage, 1lb Bacon for Wrap. Inside was Pepperoni, Marinara and Cheese.

I mixed the Burger and Sausage with some BooYeah powder, (ground super chilies and Thai Peppers) 6 cloves garlic Black Pepper and Cumin. The bacon weave could have been better but it was my first try.

After everything was made it went on the grill for about 2 1/2 hrs until I had a internal temp around 190. I would have used my smoker but it at my parents place. Either way it tasted great the wife liked it and I will be doing it again.

Here are the link to the Pics.

Feel Free to leave me some comments.

Not really. I have learned to use the BooYeah with caution. Just a couple shakes will do ya. :biggrin1:
I may have to try that BooyYeah powder. Is it something you make/came up with? If so, what is a 'super chili"?
There like a chili red only smaller. I grow them in my garden then dry them and grind them up. I suggest an old blender or coffee grinder. Just don't use the wife's cause hot pepper coffee is not pleasant. :) The Thai peppers I get from my father in-law. He gas a couple plants. They are by far the hottest pepper I have tried.